Competition & Innovations

Firstly, we researched the similar characteristics of other popular applications about traveling such as “Trip Advisor”, “” and “Trivago” and noticed the sections in which they lack. We found out that these apps basically follow the same format. For example, they offer a wide range of booking options and information which, despite the fact that they’re useful, they sometimes tire and confuse the users. We want to create features that will make us stand out from our competitors. So we decided to focus on the communication options that such an app can provide and the interaction between our users through a chat room. We also want to work on the offer of special services and lower prices in order to be competitve towars our competitors.

The basic goal of our app is to include in just one application all the services that the other apps provide, plus some special services. For example, someone who wants to travel somewhere needs to use at least two or three apps, but now by using just one app will be able to make a reservation in a hotel, book an airplane ticket and have access to any other information concerning touristic sites and etc.

