Cool | Advertising | Media | Passionate | |Adventurous | Imaginative | Goals | New

Each and every semester, since we have become participants of #AdandPrLab, we face a new challenge. This semester’s challenge was more than interesting. We had the opportunity to feel like we are part of the real advertising industry and accept a difficult task!

Representative of Pitsos Company, visited us and gave us the brief that would help us to fully understand how we should create our campaign.

Since then, a journey with ups and downs began for our team that was more focused and determined for a good result than ever.

First and foremost, we would like to thank our mentors, Mr. Sorotos and Mr. Parks. Throughout the semester they were an inspiration for us and they showed us with a humorous way (as always) what it is like to be a copywriter and all the different aspects of it.

Now, we will write about the procedure…

We are five different girls. We are not only a team but also friends. Sometimes our conversations were intense and disagreeing was the only option for us. But, that’s the way we work. Chaos, disagreeing but in the end creating.

We did some research about the company we had to work for. Firstly, we analysed the brief and pointed out what’s more important. Then, we watched the old television spots just to understand which values the company promotes. We searched about the company’s history and how we could possibly combine it with our project.

Moreover, we had to deeply understand the new technology of Home Connect. Thankfully, in the brief there were attached links that were more than helpful for us.


The most tiring but also the most creative and fun process. Trying to find THE idea. It’s not a process that lasts for just an hour or two! You discuss with your team. You find a first form of the idea. And then…BOOM. You walk down the street and out of the blue you think about that little addition that will bring the idea to a whole new level. That’s how we keep improving the idea even the day before the final presentation. We were lucky enough to have two ideas that we truly believed since day one and we were ready to support even if the one of them seemed too risky for the brand.

Selection of the Media:

Depending on our idea, we had to select the media we would like to work on. It was mandatory to create TV and digital campaign. Then, we thought it would be entertaining to create some prints for each idea. Thinking about the brand and the products, an outdoor campaign would be ideal to approach potential consumers.

We kept in mind that everything must be done, considering the target audience.

Our basis was the television spot. We decided to create first this one and then continue with the others.


<<Smart Paradosis>>



1. Present the new technology of Pitsos and its usage

2. Maintain the traditional values which are the reason why consumers trust the company


1. Place: Grocery shop, office, school, home

2. Time: 2018

3. Participants: Family (mother, father, kid)

Content- 1st scene:

1. Fast Forward

2. Outside: flying vehicles, robot-people

3. Everything seems to be happening in the future, athough it’s happening now

2nd scene:

1. Dad-robot: At the grocery shop he checks via his smartphone and the camera that exists in the fridge what he needs to shop

2. Mum-robot: At her office and via her tablet she turns on the oven

3. Kid-robot: At school, via his smartphone, he turns on the washing machine because he will go with his friends to play football and he needs his clothes

3rd scene:

1. The family comes back home- End of fast forward- Real time- Music changes

2. Dad puts what he has bought in the fridge and he becomes a human again, looking the mother with love

3. Mum removes the food from the oven and she transforms into an everyday mum

4. Kid wears the clothes he has for football and he acquires a happy face


<< Family in its… smartest form>>


Our first digital campaign for our first idea is also an outdoor activity. We thought to train old women and men in order for them to learn the functions of Home Connect system and VR Headsets, as to be mentors in a Pitsos VR journey.

We chose old people for two reasons:

1. To keep the sense of tradition

2. To effectively approach people, as they would probably listen and get involved with our task more easily if old people are explaining the “smart” activity, something that is not very common, as old people are not so keen on technology

Through the VR Headsets, people are going to be part of a video-journey, an entertaining activity through which they are going to watch the path that the signal does from the moment of request by the device’s owner until it gets realized.

To better illustrate this task, let’s see an example. A man at the office, enters the PITSOS app through Home Connect and stops the washing machine at his house. This is when the journey begins. The signal (and people watching the video simultaneously) moves through the buildings, next to the cars, over walking people, very very very quickly. And then reaches its destination: the house. The door opens, the signal travels to the bathroom and the button is pressed in order for the machine to turn off.

There’s a picture to make you understand how the person with the VR headset is going to participate in this journey:


Travel back in time, in order to reach tradition, via the most “smart” means. We thought of producing small documentaries about the story of this company, accompanied by photos and videos from its beginning until now. Every week, a part of the story will be available for people to watch on YouTube and Facebook, which are the channels of distributing. We have thought of mentioning at the beginning of the series, that a surprise will be exposed at the end of the documentaries, so that people actually watch them and expect something from them. The surprise would be the launch of some new products by Pitsos.


We also designed some print forms of our idea. Check them out:


<<When the cat is absent, mice dance>>



1. The presentation of Pitsos’ products and their abilities

2. The attraction of the audience and the update about smart products of the company


Place: Office and house

Time: 2018

Participants: Young man (35 years old)

Content — 1st scene

1. Man at the office, turns on washing machine through his smartphone

2. All household appliances seem exactly as they are

3. Home is ruled by calmness and quietness, a slight music is playing at the background

2nd scene

1. House: room with washing machine and drying machine. After the owner’s order, the washer becomes humanish, with arms and face and puts itself to work.

2. When it is time to turn off, it touches the dryer next to it, which wakes up tired and starts working the same way the washer did.

3. There’s a party going on at the house with loud disco music and bright lights

3rd scene

1. Back to the office. The man checks his fridge by turning on the app’s camera.

2. Everything at the house stops and all devices turn back to their natural appearance.

3. When camera is off, the party gets again going on

4th scene

1. The man returns at the house with the groceries.

2. Everything is ready and clean

3. At the end, a close view of the kitchen winking at the audience. Then the PITSOS logo. The end.


<<Without realizing it, we take care of you…>>

<<Without even realizing it…>>



1. Brand Awareness (even more than it already is aware>>

2. Fun way of learning PITSOS’ new functions

3. Sales increase (in the long run)

Basic Idea

We thought of building an app, a game, in which people can build their ideal home from point 0. The user can fix their home however they want to, playing by their own preferences, placing the furniture they like and households devices powered by PITSOS. It would be something between playing FarmVille and SIMS, but in a new, smart way.

There will be quizzes, hidden object games and puzzles, through which the user will collect coins. Using these coins, they will be able to make iconic purchases of PITSOS’ products (ovens, washers, dryers, air-conditioners, kitchen essentials and more).

The user will start by purchasing old models, and every time a new one is launched, there will be an announcement in order for the user to upgrade.

During the game, tips are going to pop up to the user for the better evolution of the house and its smart functions.

The iconic character will be able to cook with the help of Home Connect’s recipes, will be able to upgrade its products with equipment from the store, and communicate with the TECH center when facing any kind of problems with its devices.

All this, in a digital world which is no different from the real world of PITSOS and Home Connect.

The game is going to be out in the market 2 months before the launch of PITSOS’ new technology, and will be distributed through Google Play and App Store.

This is an early illustration of how our game would be like:


We also made some print advertisements to enrich our campaign:


Collaboration of Pitsos with Kotsosvolos and IKEA. Creation of rooms with kitchen designed by IKEA with electronic devices PITSOS at Kotsovolos stores where people can live the experience of Home Connect.

If someone buys three electronic smart devices PITSOS, they will receive a 100euros gift voucher.


· Busy malls

· Our devices will become alive

· Devices preserved in glass

· Smart device connected to home connect and placed on a stand

· Recorded commands will help the consumer with the abilities Home connect offers

· Real time

· Without realizing it, people will experience for the first time, the variety of the abilities offered

Through this whole process, we understood the risks, the challenges and all the pressure that derives from the creation of a whole campaign. That’s the first step. A step that helps us realize if we could possibly choose the job of copywriter sometime in the future.

It was an awesome journey. Despite some disadvantages, it is undeniable that the advantages are way more.

Alike Team

Konstantina Nikolatou, Edlira Osmena, Ilya Tranoudi, Elisavet Papantoniou, Aggeliki Karampela

Our mentors: Giannis Sorotos, Eric Parks

Special thanks to: Dimitra Iordanoglou, Betty Tsakarestou, Katerina Vlassopoulou

