Creating a 360 Campaign for Pitsos’ 2018 IoT Products

Advertising and Public Relations Laboratory by Panteion University

Entering the last year of our studies in the Department of Communication, Media and Culture at Panteion University and being part of the one and only Advertising and Public Relations Laboratory the challenges become bigger, more important, and exciting. This semester’s client was the famous brand Pitsos. The students that were part of this project were almost 70. Divided into many groups, each group had to work as an advertising agency and create a 360 campaign for the new IoT- smart products that Pitsos will soon be launching for 2018.

The whole situation was a real-life one and not just a hypothetical case study to test our limits. Our ideas were to be graded and looked at thoroughly by both our mentors Mr. Giannis Sorotos and Mr. Eric Parks and finally by the head professors Mrs. Dimitra Iordanoglou and Ms. Betty Tsakarestou and Mr. Yannos Zafeiris representative of the Pitsos Company.

Some of our ideas will be presented here. We proposed various ideas and some concepts would take pages to explain and show with their according to visual material. That is why we chose just a few to be presented just to give an idea of what went down.

A 360 campaign involves all the ways, media, and channels that something could be promoted. We tried to take advantage of many of them, not all of them, as it was not crucial for the message that we wanted to convey. Our team chose to create material for TV, the Internet, OOH, Radio, Print, Conventions, and Special Partnerships.

As copywriters, our challenge was to mainly provide smart ideas, scenarios, and motos. However, although not art directors, most of us have a very satisfying level of graphic abilities and decided to put them to use in order to take our ideas a step further. We tried to visualize what we had in our minds for a better and more understandable outcome.

Ideas such as these for Television and the Internet (Digital):

This advertisement could break into small spots and the concept could be even be used for the creation of a radio ad as well. The message is simple, smart, and easy to comprehend.
Epic style advertisement. The goal will be to excite the audience and inform them at the same time of the futuristic smart technology Pitsos will be provided with its new products.

To match up some of these ideas we came up with some other ways to promote the products such as smart sponsorships, outdoor ads, and portable stands and booths in city hotspots.

Our idea is that Pitsos could Sponsor famous cooking shows as well as Youtubers to present the devices.

People watching big names from the cooking industry using easily these types of devices will see this new technology as pleasant and tempting rather than hostile and repelling.

Competitions and giveaways could be also organized for people that watch certain shows to win Pitsos smart IoT devices.

But mostly, we would like Pitsos to sponsor Akis Petretzikis’ Kitchen Lab.

Collaborations with chains of electrical appliances and technological gadgets are also very wanted with companies such as Kotsovolos. Kotsovolos also sets booths from time to time for people to test various products. That could be done with Pitsos’ products as well.

Another idea, that we tried to visualize through the next three images, is the participation or creation by Pitsos itself of conventions such as Helexpo or Horeca. Showcasing the new appliances and even letting people to use them will be a major step forward into enabling people to see what is the IoT all about.

But even better would be, apart from the conventions, if portable cafes- booths were constructed into busy places in Greece and Cyprus for people to stumble upon and be able to link their phone with Pitsos’ IoT appliances and make coffee. Through this, they will see how fun and simple is to own these types of products.

We want to close this small showcase of our work with one of our favorite mots that we came up with: The past is our warranty for the future. Because, until now Pitsos’ products have been extremely trustworthy and have been around for many generations for a reason. We want people to see this as a warranty for their future and more technologically advanced products.

We believe that it is very evident that this challenge was essentially a playground of creation for us. These were just a few of the many ideas that we proposed for Pitsos’ IoT products. It was something we enjoyed thoroughly doing and gained one more wonderful experience bringing us closer to our dreams. We cannot wait for what the next challenge that awaits us will be and which will be the next company that will trust its product on us in order to promote it. The journey is not over yet!

Our team: 4 Ads (narin@g , Marina Giannia, Stavroula Pollatou, Nefeli Stavroulaki)

  • Copying and use of any of the images and videos placed in this article is prohibited. All Copyright belongs to the members of the team that created them.



Stavroula Pollatou (Student Account)

Projects during my studies at the Department of Communication, Media and Culture @Panteion University (2016–2018)