
“Dentastix for Cats” — Honeycomb

Do you have pets? You do? We do too! And we want nothing but the best for them, that’s why we choose Pedigree Dentastix! Dentastix treats scrape away plaque to clean your dog’s teeth down to the gumline and the dogs…? They seem to love it! But what about our feline friends? We don’t want them to feel left out…That’s why we introduce “Dentastix for Cats”. A new Dentastix product created specifically for cats.

Out of all our ideas, the introduction of “Dentastix for Cats” seemed to be the most fitting one for our team. The key points that we had in mind while brainstorming the promotional video project were to introduce an innovating product, to create something engaging and fun for our Target Audience, young adults who love pets and would appreciate wholesome content (ex. our classmates). The most suitable way to achieve that was to use our own little furry friends. And since one of our cast members was a cat, we came up with the idea “Dentastix for Cats”.

We decided to create a teaser video to introduce our new product. The core concept was simple. We’d first show our dogs enjoying the already well known Dentastix and then the camera would capture the only cat in the group clearly feeling left out and begging for a treat. Lastly, a “Coming soon” message would pop up on the screen to show that the Dentastix for Cats is on its way.

The video was not very easy to film our furry friends tried to be as cooperative as possible, but, still, it took a lot of treats and a lot of pampering to convince them to get on board and help us. The biggest problem we faced was to decide how to film a video from three different locations. The circumstance under which the video was filmed was a total lockdown in Greece and all three team members were quarantined in their hometowns.

Overall, we were very happy with the result we got and as it seemed people felt the same way to our Facebook post.

The feedback we got was very good. It did not consist only from Facebook comments but also from friends and family members who we showed our promo video to. They found the music to be entertaining and fun, the pets to be extra cute and the editing of the video to be exactly as it should, messy and fun, just like our pets. The concept of the video was easy for people to understand and all around we got positive feedback and a lot of compliments for little pets.

We hope you enjoy our video too!!!

Here’s our video post:


Honeycomb Team: Melina Makridou, Eirini Samoli

Our teachers and mentors: Betty Tsakarestou, Dr Stavros Kaperonis

Ad and PR Lab Facebook group

