Digital Campaign for AB Vasilopoulos

Our greatest collaboration so far, we believe to be our campaign alongside the supermarket firm AB Vasilopoulos to raise awareness and combat food wasting. While brainstorming about our next project we wanted to find a company with some background in activism and/or actions that align with our ideals about sustainability and environmental protection. Elias proposed AB because he had already collaborated with them on a previous project and knew people working for them truly share and endorse the company’s goals and aspirations. Developing campaign involving a supermarket company, it was only logical that one of the first ideas that came to mind was the growing problem of food waste. After talking with some AB associates, we were ecstatic to find out that they wanted to develop a campaign addressing this issue for a long time but hadn’t found the right team to make their vision true.

Having settled on our campaign topic we began developing our actions that would best suit our goals. Our main goal to push for less food waste and more sustainable and eco-friendly grocery shopping, while also having the business goal of creating a large group of young consumers that will support the company for a long time. We think that a young audience is more sensitive towards environmental issues and while most of them want to make a change it is difficult to act on their own. That is why we presented them with a company that shows and truly cares about these issues by hosting informative events and donating food that would be thrown away to people in need, to name but few of AB actions.

In order to attract the biggest possible audience, we decided to create a video spot with a catchy line that would “engrave” itself into the minds of those that will be reached. We decided to show the audience the harsh reality of food waste by using real footage of food being thrown away by the average household, restaurants, supermarkets and even the producers. This would make people understand how common and widespread this phenomenon really is. After the footage the main catch-phrase appears: “Waste is created in every part of the food industry, do your part and we ‘ll do ours”. This phrase not only urges consumers to act for themselves while simultaneously giving them reassurance that the company will do all within its powers if they support it. This spot alongside the aforementioned actions will get the word out that AB Vasilopoulos is not just virtue signalling and actually takes action in order to push for a greater, more sustainable future.

According to our calculations, withing the next 5 years the share of younger customers of AB will have increased by as much as 20% if the campaign has the expected results. While presenting our campaign to our colleagues we received mostly positive feedback as well as some insightful observations about the implementation of our hand-on action that we of course took in account while finalizing our project.

After the initial completion of the first phase of our project we of course uploaded a summary on our website in order to show potential customers what our capabilities truly are.

To learn more about us, please visit:

Our team members: Basilikegrammatika, Νικόλας Κούτσιος,
Ηλίας Αναγνωστόπουλος, Marinos Simatos

