Digital Creativity Lab — Our journey

These are the highlights from our experience as third year Communication students!

‘’Digital creativity: Codes,Apps and Games Lab’’ is the full name of one of our courses as third year students in the Media,Communication and Culture department in Panteion University-in Athens.Here we will tell you about our small journey through this course and all the assignments we had the opportunity to work on.For this lab we had to form teams and we decided to name our 9 member team ‘’Ad-just’’!

During our first lectures we were introduced to Wordpress and taught how to use it in order to create our own website later in the semester for our Innovation Brand. Some of us were already familiar with this program so our professor, Mr Athanasios Kondaksis suggested that we run through any questions we had on using new features on WordPress so we could improve our digital skills and make the most out of the WordPress platform.In addition we were asked to create a second ‘Personal Branding’ website through which we would promote our professional and academical plans,aspirations and achievements.

One of our first tasks was to create a 30 seconds video on the topic ‘’What does AD&PR Lab mean to you?’’. And so in the following days our team scheduled a meeting for this assignment where we brainstormed our ideas on how should the video be conducted ,filmed and edited. For the next steps we wrote down a few words that came to mind to us when we thought of AD&PR Lab ,then we worked on the story-line of our video ,we recorded all the scenes,we edited our footage and lastly we created a power point presentation on this assignment to present on our next session.

In the following week we were introduced to the concept of User Experience Heuristic Evaluation by Dr. Panagiotis Zaharias & Mr Antonis Birmpas from ‘’TheUXProdigy’’and we were taught how to perform a Heuristic Evaluation .Later we were given the task to apply these skills on an actual app.Basically what we had to do was to choose an existing app,perform a UX Heuristic Evaluation on it and then present our report to the class on the following session.Our team chose Wolt-a food delivery app.

Next up was learning the use and purpose of Infographics. In this session we were given the task to pick an existing product or service and create a Proposal Report concerning some changes we consider that needed to be done and a suggestions list with a few solutions our team came up with.Our team decided to go with IKEA-the international furniture company-and so, we created our proposal report using Piktochart. In addition we had to create a Facebook post as well as an Instagram post promoting a campaign of the chosen service or product on the ideas that we presented in our Proposal Report.Finally, we had to write a Medium article about our experience on this assignment.

In the following sessions we were given a speech by Ms Magy Kontou on how to create our own digital mobile app platforms for the Innovation Brand our team created through the ‘’AD Discovery and Creativity Lab I’’.Our team’s Brand is Com-πας - a digital catering app-and through the platform we created our own mobile app.For this task we also made use of the lectures we were given on Usability/UX Reviews in the previous sessions in order to make our app more user-friendly.

Our final assignment was to use everything we learned on Design Thinking from our session on ‘AD&PR LAB:Codes,Apps and Games’ and conduct a report using OpenIDEO resources and tools on the changes we would like to see in the AD Discovery and Creativity Lab courses.This report contained aspects concerning the Lab’s facilities,resources,session methodology, assignments, project deadlines, lectures and activities.Each team presented its report on the last session as feedback to our professors- who were open to and very interested in our suggestions.

Overall the experience of ‘AD&PR LAB:Codes,Apps and Games’ was very positive as many inspiring people gave us lectures on various key topics related to Media and Communications studies that will help us in both our studies and careers.In addition we were given many thought-provoking and innovation-focused assignments and projects that helped us develop new digital and methodological skills.We all gained a lot of useful and knowledge in this course and we look forward to applying all the skills we learned in the future!

Betty Tsakarestou Dr. Stavros Kaperonis Konstantina Kallergi Daphne Zacharia @AD Discovery Lab #ADandPRLAB #Giannikou Maria #Kogias Ioannis #Kotti Vasiliki #Papaggeli Eleni-Maria #Poludoropoulou Kalliopi-Maria #Tsavala Eleni-Maria

Ad-just’s work:

Innovation Brand website- Com-πας:

Presentation & video on ‘’What does AD&PR Lab mean to you?’’:

UX: User Experience Heuristic Evaluation on ‘Wolt’ :

Infographics IKEA proposal report (Piktochart):

Facebook & Instagram posts(IKEA campaign):

Medium article on IKEA Proposal Report:

Com-πας digital mobile app:

Design Thinking project (OpenIDEO tools):

