During this year’s Super Bowl, a new advertising spot by PepsiCo was aired combing two of its famous brands, Doritos and Mountain Dew. Two different products are promoted in a single 60-second commercial, something that is rather rare. A decision like this may seem like a dangerous step, because there is the risk of one brand overshadowing the other. But, PepsiCo executives believe they have the right recipe to fight any risk. They think that these two products are so close, because both of them are bought by Millennials. So this generation, which is their main target group, will identify with the spot and embrace that combination.

Both Doritos and Mountain Dew have tradition in airing their advertisements during Super Bowl. Doritos’ commercials have been some of the most popular during the commercial breaks of the event. Actually, last year was the only time, when we didn’t see a Doritos spot during Super Bowl, after a 10-year partnership with PepsiCo, mentioning that ‘’the game did not fit with our marketing plans’’. It seems that their strategy was to take a year off, in order to come back stronger. By creating such a distinctive commercial campaign, it seems that they have achieved their goal.

Watching the new commercial we are pleasantly surprised for many reasons. First of all, by the dynamic of two famous actors, facing off in an intense rap battle. Morgan Freeman and Peter Dinklage are more likely to be seen together on events like the awards show, or even in a movie, rather than on TV. The present commercial is surprising not only because they chose to put together in the same ad two of the most popular actors in Hollywood, but also, it’s the first time that one company releases an ad in collaboration with some other company. This dynamic movement expresses the messages of the two companies by having the actors “competing” against each other.

Dinklage is rapping “Look At Me Now,” from Chris Brown, Lil Wayne and Busta Rhymes in a room full of fire. In response, Freeman sings Missy Elliot’s “Get Your Freak On” while walking through a room of ice. Missy Elliot and Busta Rhymes are also featured for short cameos in the commercial, backing up the actors as they perform their hits.

The advertisement is the result of this competition and the reason that all these happen are the new spicy Doritos (spicy Blaze chips) and the Mountain Dew’s clear Ice drink. About two things we are absolutely sure. First, the audience got really excited by the choice of actors and, second, they got a clear message that the new Doritos are really spicy and the new clear Ice drink by Mountain Dew is very refreshing and, surprisingly, they go really well together!

From a strategic point of view, this ad has hit all the marks. Combining two beloved brands together? Check. Two world famous actors with millions of fans each? Check. “Cult” favorite songs and singers from the beginning of the 00’s? Check. Game of Thrones references? Check. Airing during Superbowl? Check!

Doritos and Mountain Dew went all out for this commercial and, even though it is rather short, it is packed with meaningful elements and it is set to speak to the hearts of the audience. Not only do they feature the actors and singers that everyone in the audience knows and loves but they also make a not so subtle reference to the most popular TV series of out generation, Game of Thrones. The actors are engaging in a rap battle and have a showoff between fire, representing Doritos’ “Blaze” flavor, and ice, representing Mountain Dew “Ice” and, in the end, they meet in the middle of the two elements. If you are familiar with the TV show, then you already know that this is pretty much what happens — minus the rap songs. The Starks from the ice cold North and the Targaryens from the hot south, bring an end to their rivalry and join their forces against the Night King. Peter Dinklage, who is also starring in the show was, without a doubt, an excellent choice for this ad and he even encourages the audience to chose Doritos and “spit fire”, clearly referencing the dreaded dragons from GOT.

All of this, together with the fact that the ad first aired during the Superbowl commercial break, immediately brings it to the top and guarantees that it will get tons of exposure and love. Also, this collaboration could definitely help the sales of the two products combined. Blaze Doritos to spice things up and then Mountain Dew Ice to help you cool down afterwards. It’s more than just a two-in-one commercial and we love it!

Viral Vixens: Marina Karvouni, Elena Tsakiridou, georgia flaouna

Betty Tsakarestou Lina Kiriakou

