During my Ad Discovery and Creativity Lab ,last Monday, I participated in a ‘’speed dating’’ for startups. Each team founded their ‘’leader’’ member, who communicated with the ‘’leader’’ member of the other teams and exchanged information about their projects. They also asked critical question and gave feedback to each other. The other members of the teams participated as observers. In the end of the whole process all members became both ‘’leaders’’ and observers.

My startup company is Youth Unity, a platform for university students all around the globe. This platform helps students exchange information about their universities, give useful notes to one another or talk about their experiences and the differences in their educational system. What is more they can also exchange books with one another, when a book ,for example, isn’t available in the library of a university but it is available in another university’s library. All these things will happen through our chat room or even through camera calls.

The whole ‘’speed dating’’ experience was really interesting because first of all I got to understand better the projects of my peer-students and I feel like I became closer with people I haven’t even talked during our classes the whole semester. What is more by pitching to different peer-students I learnt how different each individual is. By responding to questions and feedback I learnt how to become perceptible in a small amount of time and to listen clearly to the feedback because it would help me and my team to improve our platform. Also by asking critical questions and giving feedback to my peer-students I learnt to listen carefully to the person who is talking to me, I solved many questions related to their projects and I felt creative because I gave them some new ideas to enhance their work. Last but not least as an observer I learnt again how important it is to listen carefully to your peers and how many differences there are between how different people communicate with each other.

