Ecceam Team — 2nd Part of Agency’s Series; GenZ’s Most Trusted Brands, Personal Branding, Storytelling & Creative Brief

The Analysis

As we proceed to our third article and specifically, to our second part of these marketing-oriented series, regarding our work during this semester, we shall talk about one of GenZ’s Most Trusted Brands a.k.a. Google, Personal Branding, Storytelling & the importance of a Creative Brief for the preparation of a business campaign.

GenZ’ s most trusted brands

To begin with, we evaluated, studied, and formed theories about the reasons behind Google’s general success and more specifically its trust factor in the modern era as one of the GenZ’s most trusted brand. Firstly, we pointed out some of the GenZ’s characteristics in order to understand why they trust in an excessive way Google and its services. GenZers a.k.a. the “Just Google It” generation, something that could justify the relationship of mutual trust with Google. Based on our extent research, we highlighted what elements and aspects Generation Z seeks from brands and what brands know about the preferable characteristics of GenZ consumers. Continuing by investigating Google’s background, the megacorporation’s reputation seems to lie on its global image as a close friend rather than a colossal company. Google’s work environment is characterized by creativity, fulfilment, innovation and plentiful perks which preserve the workers and their rights. Last but not least, their team has built a strong empire while keeping its business model and intentions public and promoting constantly new projects depicting Google’s imaginative and novel plan.

Personal Branding

We also focused on personal branding, which consists of the future of modern businesses. After seeing and analyzing as a team the 5 ted talks referring to personal branding, we applied in our Power Point what we comprehended and presented the main thesis during the related course. Before we explained explicitly the matter, we highlighted the distinguished radical changes in the marketing world in order to inform the audience about the background and the elements that led to the existence of personal branding. Furthermore, we presented some guidelines via our weekly demonstration to describe the definition, the elements, the changes that escort the concept of personal branding as well as the method to conquer the notion of it. In the end of our research, we applied the features of personal branding in our own company pointing out at the same time our agency’s qualities for a successful branding.

Storytelling by Mrs. Karamalegkou

As the weeks went by, we were endorsed with a chance to chat, communicate and elaborate on the storytelling on social media with the Group Social Media Director at Sky, London, Mrs Eleni Karamalegkou. On the topic of Content Marketing we were asked to conduct desk research on some of the most recent Content launches online, for example Amazon Prime and Hulu. As for ECCEAM team, we drew not only the differences but also the similarities of Netflix and HBO’s launch strategies on social media by investigating their online channels, their target audiences and branding objectives as well as their ultimate commercials aims. Then, we were consulted to compare 2 shows of each content provider by creating slides on their key differentiating points. Consequently, what came after “13 Reasons Why” and “Euphoria” ‘s overall evaluation was that a multi-dimensional social media promotion includes the utilization of plethora of platforms simultaneously, while also, talent/influencers make a great difference in promoting the series and approaching their fan base. Lastly, an important outcome of our research in this particular field was that through their promotion both series are raising awareness by becoming aggregators of crucial morals and ideologies. This way, we were guided by distinctive highlights and feedback as a Gen-Z startup company as a prompt to enrich our knowledge on how to build a successful social media campaign.

“13 Reasons Why” and “Euphoria” ‘s online content (Based on ECCEAM Team’s Storytelling on Social Media PP)

Marketing Advices by Mr. Giannis Sorotos & Mr. Eric Parks

After the guidance and feedback we got as a Gen Z startup company from Eleni Karamalegkou, who helped us with her knowledge on how to build a successful social media campaign, Giannis Sorotos, a group director from Newtons Laboratory, and Eric Parks, an entrepreneur, co-founder and general partner at Velocity.Partners Venture Capital aided us to view marketing creative and storytelling from a different, practical, fresh, and modern perspective.

Creative Brief for Nike’s new campaign

On our last course before the official presentation of NIKE’s new campaign named “ΝΙΚΗ”, as one may say, every creative project starts with the brief, especially on “Miro” with an aid of a video named “Briefly” from “Bassett & Partners”. The goal of that project was to guide our team to success on how to understand our client creatively, while also to construct a “tool” in order to get specific and clear our ideas with the aim to focus on the final desirable product of our client. This factor that could work not only as an asset of their own objectives but also as an ultimate factor to understand their target audience, deliverables and guidelines. We started getting to know our client’s background information, such as the market that they are in, how the last one works and how well-known they are in this specific area. This info led us to their Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and more specifically what makes them stand out as a company and the clarification of their clear objectives, since “the first step in exceeding your customer’s expectations is to know those expectations”. Likewise, we aimed at their target audience of our client (overall characteristics, demographic and psychographic data) and then, created personas as fictional characters in order to picture the goals and behaviors of likely customers. Moreover, we did a research on NIKE’s position and major competitors by highlighting their Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats via a SWOT analysis while combining that with their desirable deliverables as a firm. All the above-mentioned info led us to the distinction of NIKE’s tone of voice as in what they would be like and by that being said what are their likes and dislikes by using methods such as mood-board, portfolios etc. What came last was to organize the calculation of the cost in order to define the budget along with the timeline and definite Milestones.

04/07/21 — Athens, Greece

By; Chrysakarytinou, Elias Kkamari, ΜΠΑΜΠΗΣ ΝΤΖΙΑΝΟΣ, Kostantinos Raptis, 'Νασιαλια Ταφ'

Authorized by; Betty Tsakarestou

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Group of Visioners, intrigued by concepts, initiatives Priorities: clients and partnerships Goals: #sustainability, #greenmeasures, #humanity, #solidarity