
Eurasia: Working with Prototype Sheet, gathering feedback and evaluating our process.

The following article is part of the #Eurasia project of the Ad Discovery Workshop of Panteion University in Greece.

Eurasia is a start-up project based on the Ad Discovery Workshop : an experimental peer-to-peer learning, hands-on workshop conducted by Assistant Professor Betty Tsakarestou of the Department of Communication Media and Culture, of Panteion University, Athens, Greece. Founded by 6 university students from 3 different countries and 2 continents, Eurasia works as an international journalistic and social platform that serves as a multicultural community that everyone from Europe and Asia can join, read articles from various perspectives, meet people from different backgrounds and write articles of their own to post on our site and social media pages. Our basic purpose is to create a better understanding of the travelling, technological social and cultural beliefs and differences between the countries of Eurasia.

Having as a team completed the creation of the user experience map as described on the previous post (https://medium.com/@twnianisotaki/eurasia-working-with-the-user-experience-map-697003a35750#.jvr5a02a4), we had to meet as a team once again to determine what to prototype according to the steps provided by OpenIdeo open platform.

The purpose of the prototype sheet was to test the viability of our project by bringing forward some presumable and rational questions that would occur after the presentation of our idea/project of Eurasia to the public. Our task at this point was after all to identify and prioritize those questions. In doing it, we used the steps provided by OpenIdeo following them prudentially as explained bellow:

  1. Firstly, we transferred the Post-its which we had used for our final User Experience Map to the blank worksheet and re-titled the headlines for each key moment.
  2. For each moment in the experience we had identified, we had to identify at least one question to be answered in order to understand if our idea resonated with people.
  3. Using the prototyping methods listed on the Start Prototyping Worksheet on the OpenIdeo platform we brainstormed as a group different types of prototypes to get answers to each question.
  4. We prioritised as a group the questions in order of significance and decided which one had to be answered first and which to follow.
  5. Daphne Diapouli, Zuzana Hájková, Ling Jin and Catherine Meng were in charge of the texts, so they took up the process of writing concise, rational and based on the perception of our project answers to the questions sett. Daphne Diapouli Amanda Voulgari and me, reviewed the answers and made sure to avoid any grammar , syntax or typo issues. After having set, prioritised and answered the questions that would be included in our prototype worksheet Amanda Voulgari and I started the materialisation of the prototype by passing the questions-answers to the worksheet next to our posts-it/images. In charge of selecting and printing the images that accompanied the text was Daphne Diapouli.

Our next move after the completion of the prototype worksheet was to test it and evaluate our process as a team. Once again we worked according to the guidance of the OpenIdeo platform. We presented our prototype to our ad discovery lab partners and got the feedback we were in need of by challenging them to answer questions such as : Would you ever be a member of our Eurasia community? Would you submit any article to share your own experience with the world? Have you ever had any difficulty in getting to know facts about different civilisations through the world wide web?

After gathering the feedback gained by the afforestated procedure we wrote down the outcome dividing it in 4 cattegories: The good, The bad, The unexpected, and What next, in order to have a tangible measure of our process.

Our last move on this phase was to settle some evaluation criteria for our project as given by the OpenIdeo platform ( Community centred idea, Human centred idea, collaborated, inclusive) and make any necessary charges on the approach of our project before concluding to the form or our project as it is at the moment.

You can find more info about our startup and the articles on our official website: http://eurasiaco.wix.com/eurasia

Like us on #Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eurasiaco

Follow us on #Twitter: https://twitter.com/eurasiaco

TEAM: Amanda Voulgari , Daphne Diapouli, twnia nisotaki, Catherine Meng , Ling Jin, Zuzana Hájková

With the help of Assistant Professor Betty Tsakarestou of the Department of Communication Media and Culture, of Panteion Univeristy, Athens, Greece.

© 2016 by an Ad Discovery Workshop of Panteion University



twnia nisotaki

Communication, Media and Culture. Panteion University of social and political sciences. #Ad Discovery Workshop #Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship.