Event Management

An international technology conference

The closing of four fascinating years from our studies, in # AdandPrlab and Panteion university comes with the session of Event Management. During this semester we were asked to create an international event, which is concerned about technology. Our mentors in this journey were Athena Fradelou, Event Producer and Betty Tsakarestou, Professor in our Lab. Let’s deepen to our idea and see step by step the process we followed.

To begin with, we named our event Tech Pro Universe (TPU), because it is about a technological event globally. We organized it of international range, related to technology, new services & updates. It is about a big entrepreneurial meeting, where the tech community can exchange views on the business world, the opportunities and new developments. Moreover, we have answered the 5W of our event why, what, when, where, who. Why: We host this event, in order to bring people who are interested in technology together, both professionals and amateurs. Our main goal is to help those people keep up with the latest tech updates (apps, programs, devices, gadgets, software etc.) Moreover, we aim to give more networking opportunities not only to already existing organizations but also to upcoming companies or startups, in the technology field. Another great opportunity will be given to the participants, as they will be able to ‘’meet’’ for the first time with unreleased products and services. Finally yet importantly, entrepreneurs will be face to face with every competitor of theirs, so that they can later update their strategy. What: In our event, we will include the following: Mini kiosks, where every company’s representatives will promote their products and services, Catering services, Emergency Medical Services and medical team, Fire department, Security team, Video recording and photo shooting team, Lections, seminars about technology and new Market data, Experienced speakers (businessmen/women, technology and coaching experts, Marketing specialists),IT support, Media-Press, You Tubers and influencers, Parking spots, Cleaning services, Voluntary teams from various educational carriers, who will not only offer their assistance but will also gain experience, Web streaming availability. When: We propose that our event is conducted on 2–5 October, as this period seems to be the most convenient for the majority of our target group. As for the climatic conditions on that time, we estimate that they will not cause any problem at all. It is also a good season for people to travel, in order to both enjoy themselves and explore new things that can be helpful for the rest of their career. Furthermore, according to our research there will be no other events at the same dates. Lastly, taking into consideration that the Chinese audience has scored the biggest percentage of attendance at similar events through the years, our event will be on the most suitable period of time events for them, as their Golden Week is on 1–7 October. Where: We chose the Athens Metropolitan Expo venue, as it is considered one of the biggest and most functional event centers in the Southeast Europe. The venue’s high standards, facilities (houses up to 20.000 people) and services give them the ability to host important exhibitions and conferences, both of Greek and international organizations. Athens Metropolitan Expo is located within Athens International Airport complex, making it accessible by metro, by bus and even by car (over 100.000sqm of parking space). There are also Taxi services provided. For whoever feels like it, he can find 7 different coffee shops and 2 luxury restaurants inside the halls and even a mini market. Moreover, it is known for its state of the art technological infrastructure (wireless internet, full air-conditioning and ventilation of all spaces, sufficient lighting). Last but not least, there is PwD (persons with disabilities) accessibility and a fully equipped medical office. Who: Our target group is everyone who is actively interested in the technology field and follows every trend. We are not only addressed to the Greek audience, but also to either professional or amateur worldwide groups. It will be attended specifically by device manufacturers, network equipment providers, representatives of wireless carriers, mobile phone manufacturers. Sponsors, speakers, media-press, people engaged in tech world will also be part of the event. Our event is basically expected to reach a total expense of 1.000.000 €. Half of the amount is going to be given to the venue, to cover all the renting costs of conference days & preparation. The other half of the budget is going to be distributed among equipment expenses, organizational committee, promoting channels and other services needed. Furthermore, we have created a SWOT analysis, in order to have awareness of all the Strengths, the Weaknesses, the Opportunities and the Threats for our event. The strengths: There is no other similar event in Greece and it will be a great boost for Greek tourism. We suggest an experienced team with successful international projects in their portfolio. The weaknesses: Technical issues may occur due to the big amount of participants and bureaucracy in Greece may delay the preparation. The opportunities: Companies’ networking with foreign homologous and interaction with new technologies and exchanging of views among experts. The threats: First time in Greece, thus potential lack of know-how due to high budget, it involves financial risks. Also, we present you our strategic partners: Hellenic Association of Mobile Application Companies, Municipality of Athens, Athens Metro, Acropolis Museum, Athens International Airport, Universities from all over the world, Greek Ministries of Tourism, Environment & Energy, Development & Investment, Embassies, Fire & Police departments, ESA security solutions, Ethniki Asfalistiki insurance, Iatriko Group. This is the list of potential sponsors and the sponsorship plans:


10.000€ package

Free transportation for all 3 of the event days.

Pre-event publicity through social media of the organisation.

All the company representatives will be hosted at the opening ceremony event.

Souvenir giving during the closing ceremony.

Free of charge food & drink for 3 representatives of the company, during the event days.

30.000€ package

Free transportation for all 3 of the event days.

Pre-event publicity through social media of the organisation.

All the company representatives will be hosted at the opening ceremony event.

Souvenir giving during the closing ceremony.

Free of charge food & drink for 5 representatives of the company, during the event days.

Their logo will be printed on the commercial bags that will be given out during the registration process.

Both lobbies will have a projector, where the sponsor’s logo will go through a screening sequence.

100.000€ package

Free transportation for all 3 of the event days.

Pre-event publicity through social media of the organisation.

All the company representatives will be hosted at the opening ceremony event.

Souvenir giving during the closing ceremony.

Free of charge food & drink for 10 representatives of the company, during the event days.

Both lobbies will have a projector, where the sponsor’s logo will go through a screening sequence.

Free of charge kiosk during the 3 days of the event, twice larger than the regular ones.

On one of the exhibition days, these sponsors will have the responsibility of organising a different event of their own (1 hour long).

300.000€ package

Free transportation for all 3 of the event days.

Pre-event publicity through social media of the organisation.

All the company representatives will be hosted at the opening ceremony event.

Souvenir giving during the closing ceremony.

Free of charge food & drink for all the representatives of the company, during the event days.

Both lobbies will have a projector, where the sponsor’s logo will go through a screening sequence.

Free of charge kiosk during the 3 days of the event, twice larger than the regular ones.

Their kiosk will be placed in a central position into the exhibition. No matter which hall it is in, it will be the very first thing that visitors will see while entering the hall.

On one of the exhibition days, our biggest sponsor will have the responsibility of organising a different event of their own, with longer duration than the other ones.

The video that will be presented during the welcome ceremony on day 1 will be edited by our main sponsor, with their logo always being shown on the bottom right of the screen, as well as in the video credits.

This is the program of Tech Pro Universe(TPU) agenda:

2 October 2021, we will have a Welcome ceremony and a Masterclass Electric Vehicles by Tesla.

3 October 2021, we will have a Workshop Emotion AI by Behavioral Signals and a

Seminar Educational Robotics by The Real Robokids, powered by Cosmote

4 October 2021, we will have an Academic Meeting Seminar, Flip screens & other technologies
by Samsung Closing ceremony & cocktail party for our sponsors

Participants will have the opportunity to register online through our website https://siamanteska.wixsite.com/tpuevent. Anyone who shows interest in booking his ticket earlier, will get an early bird discount on the ticket price. Our exhibition hours are going to be from 10am to 6pm, when visitors will be able to communicate with companies’ representatives and get informed over their latest technological creations. Moreover, we have a promotional plan for the event. Specifically, we plan to use TPU’s social media and email marketing, some additional materials (such as promo video and posters), media advertising, and of course take advantage of our cooperation with some Media partners. Also, we have to show us our communication materials that we have prepared, the poster, the press release and the newsletter:

And then this happened…

A few days before TPU, the country’s most ambitious venture, a deadly virus occurred, soon evolving into a global pandemic. The situation jeopardizes our event, holding back all our preparations. Our global exhibition will be cancelled for safety reasons, even if it includes financial risks for our organization. Also, the event will be conducted next year, during the same period (October), which was going to be held anyway as it is about an annual gathering, given that we are done with the pandemic. We are going to have the same sponsors, with the same sponsorship packages and benefits. However, the exhibition’s topics and workshops will defer from the fixed ones, as the companies in charge will have to update their material. Tickets that have already been booked will be valid for the new dates. The exhibitors will keep their kiosks for the next year’s event, without any extra charge. As a global organization, we are going to shoulder the weight of the financial impact, paying the penalty for renting the venue and occupying the event’s staff.

Special thanks to our leaders in this work,who advised us and guided us throughout this journey

Athena Fradelou

Betty Tsakarestou

Presented by Suspicious minds team:


Alkistis Joan

Vlasia Manteska

Maritina Filiou

