F. Guards Foundation: Challenges we faced

So you are probably thinking how did we come up with the F. Guards Foundation idea? Great cause we’ve got a short but meaningful story to share with you but…first of all, are you a brainstormer? Are you the guy who is always under pressure to come up with a unique, creative idea that will take everything by storm? If yes, you are a perfect match. If not, you’re welcome too, cause ain’t no better match to a game than a cool player.

The procedure of organizing and finally creating our non-profit foundation ,named F. Guards, was in no way an easy task. From the first stage of catching the idea till the last one of creating and conclusively presenting F. Guards we faced a lot of difficulties. Difficulties which proved to be helpful as every challenge showed us the right way to work slow and steady as a real team. Following this way we managed to hit our goal and give the chance to each one of our potential users to focus on their own tasks and cherish the desirable results.

First of all, we had to manage to find an innovating way to create a brand new platform. A platform that no one till now has ever tried to create. So, we had to invent every possible way to approach everyone who was interested in releasing his/her inner child and bringing back his/her lost fantasy. For the reason mentioned above, we seeked for experts mentoring and guidance during our project in order to be ensured that we could deliver both a credible and efficient product. Psychologists were the first experts that we got in touch so as to co-create with them unique anxious-relaxing games based on true scientific research and not on marketing speculations.

At the same time, we had to invent a unique experience which would give the chance to every user of our platform to hit its goal by strengthening its fantasy with a special and absolutely not boring way. Based on a creative two-part model, F. Guards platform can get you to another world where stress and anxiety have been replaced by fantasy and ideas. (temporary link, still under construction: http://urbangetawayofficial.com/ )

Furthermore, its a matter of great consensus that one of the main challenges that start-up companies face is monetizing. In other words making profit out of your creative idea is one of the most perplex things that you may face. Therefore on your monetizing plan you should be as creative as you were during your main idea shaping. As a solution we thought that the best way to make profit was either from the nations or from exclusively designed in-app purchases only available for premium users.

It’s obvious, that during our work we came in touch with some of our potential users, who used some of our platform’s and application’s offers and gave us helpful feedback. This feedback showed us the function mistakes of our foundation and boosted our work to become even better.

To sum up, we have to admit that, under any circumstances, every member of our team offered the best possible in order to get F. Guards completed. Working together was a great experience which helped us fight every difficulty and of course lead us to the desirable result. Guardians of Fantasy are now here to boost your fantasy, your creation and this way remind you that your inner child is still here and need to come out to play sometimes.

We would like to thank miss Betty Tsakarestou(Professor and Head of Advertising and Pr Lab at the Department of Communication, Media and Culture, Panteion University)for providing us with all the required special knowlegde, so that we can now publish this presentation. I would also like to thank my team Izabella Kefala , Margaret Georgiadou , Vasilis Plegas and Anastasia Zapadioti for the great collaboration.

