F. Guards Foundation: Idea Formation

So you are probably thinking how did we come up with the F. Guards Foundation idea? Great cause we’ve got a short but meaningful story to share with you but…first of all, are you a brainstormer? Are you the guy who is always under pressure to come up with a unique creative idea that will take everything by storm? If yes you are a perfect match . If not, you’re welcome too, cause ain’t no better match to a game than a cool player.

Taking into consideration the working circumstances that have been described by Vasilis Plegas and seem to be totally against professionals’ fantasy and creativity as internal parts of their effort and final working result, we came up with “F-Guards”. F-Guards is a truly unique non-profit foundation, providing a 360 suite of distressing and entertaining peer to peer consulting and mobile app.

Presentation’s Part

The function of the foundation is obviously based on a two-part model: The first part includes peer to peer consulting, which is provided by our platform (temporary link, still under construction: http://urbangetawayofficial.com/), where the users can sign in and start an online communication with experts and scientists. These experts will be able to highlight quality tips and mentorship, that are going to be very useful when it comes to a really stressful and demanding job.

Website Platform Screenshots

The second part includes a mobile app (under construction), consisting of a plethora of specially constructed games, in order to distress the desperate employee. In other words, this part includes a unique hassle — free game app based on the users mindset needs. Furthermore, we came up with a creative secret economic model, on which the whole mentorship will be based. In other words, behind every quality tip and mentorship that is provided by our experts, an economic strategy is hidden, that is going to lead users to creative solutions with profit (Fantasy 2 Cash).

Both the platform and the application use will be for free. Nevertheless, we have created a monetization strategy, in order to strengthen our foundation, by providing to our users the opportunity either to donate, if they would like to, an amount of money (not a specific one) or to “unlock” in-app purchases for premium offers.

Presentation’s Part

At this point, I have to highlight that we will invest into developing unique virtual reality experiences, by creating vr games, available only to our premium users.

Presentation’s Part

Regarding our logo, it is obviously constructed in a gamified galaxy environment, that sets off the users’ imagination and fantasy. We could say, that it is, in a way, inspired by the legion of superheroes, where “F” for Fantasy is carefully protected in a shield, while at the same time, the whole background is set in a galaxy, as shown by the planet, that stands above the last letters of the logo.

We have created a presentation that shows the whole structure of our foundation, as given above, as well as an explainer video that introduces our story telling, on which even our logo is based, and clarifies our goal, in a very humoristic and entertaining way.

Explainer Video

“So, we are the F-Guard or in other words the Guardians of Fantasy. We live on planet “Fan-Ville” on the galaxy 1231. Our mission is to protect the Fantasy Box, where all of creativity, inventiveness and joy of our existence lie. The closest planet to us is called “Phew- Phew”, named by the constant noises coming out of the residents of the planet. Feeling sorry for their disappointment and depression originating from their howls, we decided to find out a way to relieve their misery. Unfortunately, we didn’t have the required advanced technical equipment to reach them. Thus, we figured out that we could capture their attention by displaying invigorating fantasy-inspired holograms over our own planet. Bless Fantasy, our plan has been a great success, as more and more “Phew-Phew” dwell into the magic powers of our Fantasy Box.”

This humoristic video explains the story of our creation and the importance of our goals for our users. It seems that the loss of fantasy has created misery and misery is never able to lead to positive results. Therefore, we call each one of you to become member of our fantasy world! Let’s play and find out our inner child! Only there, we can find the magic powers of fantasy, in order to become successful professionals and great brainstormers. 

We would like to thank miss Betty Tsakarestou(Professor and Head of Advertising and Pr Lab at the Department of Communication, Media and Culture, Panteion University) for providing us with all the required special knowlegde, so that we can now publish this presentation. I would also like to thank my team Izabella Kefala , Margaret Georgiadou , Vasilis Plegas and Fotini Panavou for the great collaboration.

Anastasia Zapantioti



Anastasia Zapadioti

Panteion University, Department of Communication, Media and Culture • PR - Marketer Enthousiast in the making➰