
  • F-Guards Foundation: User Experience

So you are probably thinking how did we come up with the F. Guards Foundation idea? Great cause we’ve got a short but meaningful story to share with you but…first of all, are you a brainstormer? Are you the guy who is always under pressure to come with a unique creative idea that will take everything by storm? If yes you are a perfect match. If not, you’re welcome too, because there is no better match to a game than a cool player.

Our ideal user is a person who operates like a hub among creative technical sectors constantly on the pressure of coming up with unique profitable ideas and his main goal is to keep everything in straight accordance and coordination. The main challenge that this person has is to come up with productive and profitable ideas on a very specific timeline, thus exhausting his creativity and imagination.

As a foundation F-Guards is aiming to disrupt the monotonous enterprise environment by inviting people to repair their lost fantasy skills. We provide a peer to peer customer care productivity suite consisting of apps that dis-nature anxiety.

Taking a look of the steps that our user follows to connect with us we see that the first step is finding us through social media. Our user browses his Facebook feed for example hunting down for creative rooting escaping posts that will assist him in his fantasy think tanking. Suddenly he discovers a Facebook promoted auto play video that promises him a suite consisting of apps, tips, and guides that will restart his creativity. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWWawISlK9o )

Continuing to the second step our user taking into consideration specified timeline he clicks on the campaign and then he launches on the welcome page that describes who we are as a foundation and how we can help him rediscover his imagination. He can easily join us and find out anything he wants to know about our actions. (http://urbangetawayofficial.com/ )

Our user can be transferred on our product-services page where he can quickly choose the option that delights him the most, after completing the customer information form. If for example he decides to download our application he can try and play suggested games that will lead to him being satisfied and delighted with the tailored content. After relaxing for a few minutes by playing our games the user in now more productive and creative as he fulfills his “fantasy tank”. The last and most important step to this whole process is to leave our user as satisfied as possible so he can introduce our foundation and it’s services to other colleagues and also friends so our action and provided help will be known to more and more potential users.

We would like to thank miss Betty Tsakarestou(Professor and Head of Advertising and Pr Lab at the Department of Communication, Media and Culture, Panteion University)for providing us with all the required special knowlegde, so that we can now publish this presentation. I would also like to thank my team Izabella Kefala , Anastasia Zapantioti, Vasilis Plegas and Fotini Panavou for the great collaboration.

