Feeding America

One another project that we worked on together was the FEEDING AMERICA. It was a successful way to understand the most important action : the feeding hope. With the brand Feeding America, awareness skyrocketed. Michelle Obama took note, and with White House support hunger relief became an agenda on the hill.

It is a brand with the mission of fighting the hunger and give hope to all the people. Hunger can affect people from all walks of life. Many Americans are one job loss or medical crisis away from food insecurity — but some people, including children and seniors, may be at greater risk of hunger than others. The way that Feeding America does it is to have a site with all the details and get nourishing food from farmers, manufacturers, and retailers to people in need. The site’s structure constantly proposes to the visitor to take action. They use their official platform to bring awareness to important issues.

We like a lot this brand because it addressed to the world. We are a sensitized group with values and dream to help people and become a better world. That’s why we singled out this work. Hunger can affect in a dangerous way and it’s a problem that everyone must keep in mind and try to help all of them. We truly try a lot for this project and give the 100% of ourselves. It was an experience that we love and we believe that the most important result from all the projects is to understand the value of help and be a team!

Anastasiia Shvetc , Katerina Tsiakaraki , Angeliki Kyriazi , Irati Barrena Bolinaga



Katerina Tsiakaraki

Welcome to my account! I’m Katerina and I’m student of Communication, Media and Culture at Panteion University. I love writing articles and playing music.