FIX HELLAS: One country , one beer!

FIX is a Greek lager beer, which first appeared in 1850, when Greece was trying to recover after its liberation from the Turks. Ioannis Fix was the one who started producing beer in our country which was named after his family, FIX. The beer was a great success and started expanding all over Athens, so in 1864 the FIX brewery was officially founded. It became the first major brewery in Greece and made many deliveries to Mediterranean countries, where beer is now very popular.

Fix became a synonym to beer in Greece and had a virtual monopoly for about 100 years, until 1982 when it went out of business due to involvement of the FIX family to political conflicts and the intense competition of beers that were introduced into the market. In 1995 the company D.KOURTAKIS bought the FIX trademarks. Kourtakis organized the Olympic Brewery to produce FIX Hellas beer, with a label design strongly reminiscent of the original FIX label but it wasn’t a great success. In 2009 three Greek businessmen Yannis Chitos along with Elias and George Grekis took over the company OLIMPIAKI ZYTHOPOIIA ( Omympic Brewery) as well as the trade mark of FIX Hellas and in 2010 FIX beer was once again available in the market. The label has changed but still reminds people the gold medals and prizes the original FIX won. The advertising campaign with its references to the strong historic legacy of the FIX beer in Greek society has managed to increase sales and put FIX Hellas once again on the top. Today Fix follows the latest trends and expands its range of products by launching a non-alcohol beer that completely preserves the authentic taste of beer. FIX HELLAS is definitely the most historical and one of the best beers in Greece.

In this week’s assignment we decided to focus on the latest Fix Hellas’s beer campaign which was released on the 18th of March, 2018. The advertise has a simple yet smart and meaningful message to deliver with the slogan “One country, one beer!”. But let’s get to it…

Everything starts with four middle-aged men scattered all over Greece, having different lives and habits. 20 years ago these men held a strong friendship and while they have grown up and have had different lives they decide now to meet again after so many years. With a piece of a Fix Hellas coaster by their hands the travel back to the place that hosted their unique friendship. Just by the sea, in an old tavern, they reunite attaching one by one their four pieces of the Fix coaster they kept for 20 years! While hugging, laughing and most importantly, drinking beer, they notice a young group of friends sitting in the table behind them. They look just like they did 20 years ago so our “heroes” give them a whole Fix Hellas coaster (like the one they shared many years ago) for the youngsters to share its pieces, symbolizing the promise they give to always hold their friendship too.

This touching advert was created, edited by McVictor & Hamilton and produced by Stefi, directed by Argyris Papadimitropoulos. All of them did a great job indeed! Not only it was smoothly evolved with a hint of nostalgia but it also live up to their slogan “ One country, one beer”. Fix is something more than a beer, it has the power to connect people, to create unbreakable bonds, it’s a promise, a special kind of love. In this advert, the strongest bond is the friendship of these men who are determined to meet again and remember the good old days as well as the story of the younger men who just begin to make their own memories. This beer connects people as well as generations that’s why the “friendship oath” is taken upon a Fix Hellas coaster and not something else…

Of course this beautiful advert would not be fitted if not for the audience of its communication. For example if this was aired in another country, where people might value some ideals differently, it would not get through the right message. If it wasn’t for us Greeks to honor and support the ideal of Friendship in our lives, this advert would not be so special. As Fix Hellas has written in the description of the video in their You Tube channel, “ Mane things have been written for the Greek Friendship, For the dynamic of some people who united their thoughts and feelings at some point in their lives, creating something bigger, resistant to time and place that nor the years nor the distance can erase.”

Below you can find the video of the campaign! Enjoy!

Our Team: Mariza Rizou Evaggelia Paraskevopoulou Dimitra Christodoulaki Dimitra Karali

