ForFunShakers - Promotion video Project for Tasty Minis by Pedigree

Tasty Minis by Pedigree

Our little friend ready to taste the “Tasty Minis”

In the current semester, at AD and PR Lab we were asked by our professors Ms Betty Tsakarestou and Mr Dr. Stavros Kaperonis to apply what we learned about creating and editing video as well as how to promote our brand in the digital world. Mr. Kaperonis gave us the brief for our project, which means that we had to create a video advertisement for a product or a service and then upload it to our lab’s Facebook page.

Our team, ForFunShakers, consisting of Alexia Moschouti, Nikoletta Andreopoulou and me Nikolina Thoma created a short promo video for a brand that we like. After a lot of brainstorming sessions, we came up with something we all love very much, animals. Through our group’s love for animals and especially for dogs we decided to make a promo video for dog food. More consistently we chose the Tasty Minis by Pedigree. The main reason we choose this topic is to mobilize pet owners and specifically dog owners to buy high quality food for their animals. A good dog food, such as Tasty Μinis, can provide well-being to your dog as it is rich in calcium, vitamins etc. Also, due to the small packaging, Tasty Minis are an excellent and easy choice for your walks with your favourite four-legged friend.

For the creation of the script we were inspired by the period of Covid-19 and especially the quarantine as it has affected the psychology of everyone as well as our animals. The original idea was to show the dog’s mood swings before and after enjoying the product. That’s why we chose at the first shots to show that the dog has no joy and looks distressed, and then the owner feeds him with the Tasty Minis. The latest footage shows the dog fiercely grasping his toys, proving that after the meal he gained energy and became happy.

About the editing part, we decided to use iMovie which is only available in App Store and therefore is only supported by Apple devices. The only thing we added from our original idea, was a shot where the dog was trying to catch the Tasty Minis from the table, showing his impatience for the product. The main problem we faced was to make the appropriate shots of the dog; we turned them several times until we reached the best result. The last major difficulty was the lack of equipment and video editing knowledge. So, at least we tried to find the ideal location for everything so that natural light could be used.

Due to quarantine and traffic restrictions, it was impossible to be all together during the filming of the video. However, this is the situation right now and at some point it is sad because all wanted to be able to see each other and spent time together creating something special. Of course, under these circumstances, the result couldn't be better and we are very happy about it.

Facebook post

Our post at lab’s Facebook page reached almost 30 likes which most of this are love reactions. At the comments section, we were quiet low; we had 5 comments. Although we didn’t get a lot of feedback from the audience, we know that most of us enjoy watching animal videos; we hope we made you smile a little bit by watching this cute video with our small friend. We did our best and we are more than proud for this.

Facebook post

Check out the video here

ForFunShakers members: Alexia Moschouti Nikoletta Andreopoulou Nikolina Thoma

Our professors: Betty Tsakarestou Dr. Stavros Kaperonis

AD and PR Lab Facebook group

Thank you for reading!

