Four Horizons’ Journey: Level 1–6

Let us introduce ourselves…

During the fourth semester of our university course, “Introduction to Advertising and Public Relations”, we created a team consisting of Eirini Dermitzaki, Priya Kumar, Chrissoula Tsouchlaraki and Eleni Chaldeaki. Our team’s name is “Four Horizons” because each member of our team represents a point on the horizon, hence our initials on each point instead of North, West, East and South.

We were requested to create our own start-up advertising company, the first step to our journey. We would acquire skills and learn about the respective subject through empirical processes via studying important people’s lectures and big companies. Every team has some values and visions, so do we. As “Four Horizons”, we think that it is very important to stay up to date with trends, that’s why we wanted to go with the flow of things. We wanted to use the latest available technology for organizing our plans and to give back the best results. Also, our aim was to opt for creative solutions because we believe that this way, our clients and our collaborators would be very satisfied. Elements that express us are creativity, equality, respect for every kind of being and cooperation. Our motto is “finding your way” because we can help you find your destination and a way to get there.

Through the course of this whole game 🎮 and all the levels ⚔️ that we went up, we learned that, for a company, it’s essential to shape its “personality”, since that’s what shows how it deals with customers and what it’s all about.

-By Horizon T

And so, the projects begin…

ThisAbles–McCann Tel Aviv for IKEA

The first level 🔝 was all about working on an analysis of “ThisAbles” by IKEA. It was a candidate for the Cannes Lions 2019 Grand Prix Winners campaign. We selected this campaign because we thought that it matched our team’s character by respecting every kind of being, every minority.

“ThisAbles” is a campaign that has a purpose: the promotion of furniture to serve people with disabilities. The main idea is to construct small attachments to some basic IKEA items and make them disability-friendly. We thought that this campaign was very important, because it had given attention to a category of people that is very much ignored by most.

In this project, we were to present the campaign’s video with our analysis. It was a very important first task, since in a course like “Advertising and Public Relations” it is important to analyze ads/campaigns for the messages they express. We learned that it is very important to look not only at the obvious elements of a message, but the hidden ones as well. Sometimes, the creators want to show parallel signs. For example, “ThisAbles” doesn’t only want to promote and sell the furniture (the obvious sign), it also wants to pass the message that all human beings have the right to be and feel comfortable in their own households (the hidden-social sign, the not so obvious one). Also, we learnt the basic steps to create an ad for products. It is very important to determine the purpose that an advertiser wants to achieve. Then, the advertiser has to consider what types of people should be targeted (target audience) and to whom the product will be suitable to. Afterwards, the creators need to think about the key message that they want to share. Finally, they have to contemplate the impact that the ad may have and if the story serves the company’s major goal in the best way.

-By Horizon T

Edelman Trust Barometer 2021 Report

Οur team’s journey leads to a major factor for communication and, specifically, advertising organizations’ foundation, and that is trust. We analyzed the Edelman Trust Barometer of 2021 in order to conduct its key findings and draw conclusions through the eyes of audiences, as COVID-19 altered the way of living and thinking. During this “adventure”, we understood to whom they deposit their trust into and under which circumstances, which calls for a more sociental way of managing situations. In addition, we dove into the idea of the importance of spreading accurate information and empathizing with concerns the pandemic gave birth to, which should be taken in as principals, but they are not always taken for granted.

Interactivity, tackling misinformation, thinking local and equality constitute the torch that lights up the cave, where the chest of trust can be found. After obtaining it we made parallels of which of those elements can be applied to an organization like Four Horizons, in order to “open the chest” and express trust.

-By Horizon C

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The Team:
Priya Kumar EleniChaldeaki Chrissoula Tsouchlaraki Ειρήνη Δερμιτζάκη

Betty Tsakarestou

