1. AdvertiZing Academy’s first steps


AdvertiZing Academy was found by 5 ambitious women, Chrysoula Zeibekaki, Christiana Kamarinou, Maria Antonia Karanastasi Del Hoyo, Georgia Papadopoulou, Panayiota Papamikroulea, in order to bring fantasy, creativity and wonderful ideas into commercial reality. Working with as teammates during the past semester we realized how easier things are when there is passion. when there is willingness and when there is creativity. Started from the bottom, and coming all the way up. Realizing how teamwork pays off, and how teamwork makes wonders. We all knew it would be a rough year since the beginning due to COVID-19, but we were determined to seize our opportunities, not let this year go to waste and just keep collecting new ideas, thoughts and feelings. Consistency is what made us succeed, and what made us love this lesson. Every week we were adding new ideas to our previous projects. We begun the semester by presenting ourselves and our talents and skills as well as the vision we hoped to aspire as a company.

‘Our vision is to create a personalized company based on clients’ needs and desires. We intend to be a modern and alternative advertising company while also being aware of the environmental crisis since as Gen Z co-founders it is one of our biggest responsibilities. The use of Eco-friendly products is our priority. Our goal is to provide individualized services to our costumers from our qualified personnel’.

Also, as a team we believe in certain values. First is Authenticity: We believe that in today’s demanding society authenticity is one of the most important values, as many people sacrifice quality in the altar of profit.​ Secondly, Healthy competition: We believe in evolving and bettering ourselves rather than bringing others down. We respect our clients’ privacy and promote products that we truly believe to be worthy.​ We are Accepting of criticism and Friendly and cooperative. Lastly, we created social media platforms to expand our start up company, starting with out website and Instagram account.

Our next step was to get inspired by other campaigns and more specifically we chose the award winning campaign in Lions Cannes Festival, ‘GO BACK TO AFRICA’. This campaign was powerful, intriguing and smart, as it addresses one of the most serious problems of today’s society, racism against people of color. Americans have been using the phrase “Go back to Africa” to express their frustration but what does it really mean to go back to Africa? It means explore the beauty, get back with nature, feel free and alive, explore this magnificent culture and what it advocates. The travel agency who made this video, took the hatred comments and turned them into something beautiful. Every racist phrase was replaced with an extraordinary picture of Africa and the hashtag “GoBackToAfrica”. ​

Here are some main points:

2. More projects we worked on

An other important issue we focused on, in order to build a better company, was trust. To better understand this issue we read and watched the work of a very inspiring trust ambassador, Rachel Botsman. Botsman defines trust as a confident relationship to the unknown, she talks about how trust is gained as well as raising the important question, ‘Who can we trust?’.

Here are some of her theories:

Edelman Trust Barometer 2021​

Next, we worked on The 21st Annual Edelman Trust Barometer Online Survey that was conducted in 28 countries from October 19 to November 18, 2020. The responders were 33.000+ but only the 17% of the population was informed and only adults were participated. At the early 2000 before the rapid development of media Non-Government organizations had influence on people. In 2003 the trust shifted from advertising to media. In 2007–2008 the trust shifted to business from media and government but in 2011 business had to cooperate with government to regain the trust with no result. In the next years businesses are fighting for change, innovation and truth, and trying to gain the trust again. ​

By working on that project we gained some important knowledge that was going to be useful to us as a new company in the future. Based on Edelman’s report most people have trust issues when it comes to companies and the working environment. Our priority is to make our company reliable and trustworthy to our responders. First of all we are here to activate our purpose and what we stand for. Communication is a key factor in our company since we pay attention to our employee’s needs, we speak up for them when necessary and we are always open to criticism both from our employees and our clients. We are always planning for the future by refreshing our mission, vision and values. As a startup business company we are both ethical and competent.​

Content Marketing:

Our last presentation was on content marketing as we compared two different Netflix shows and how they were portrayed on different social media platforms. There were some similarities in how these shows gained popularity through social media but there were also some differences on the content on each show’s profiles and social media usage.

3. The making of our first campaign

The first brand we cooperated as a fresh company is Reebok. First of all, we accepted the cooperation because of the brand’s vision and ideals. Reebok understands the different needs of the costumers and makes effort to satisfy them. Reebok tries to persuade women to be more active in sports and it claims to be a woman-first brand and also a feminine brand. Reebok focuses on the individuality, the authenticity and the courage of doing anything possible to achieve your goals. Reebok is dedicated to providing each and every athlete, no matter their achievements, the products, the inspiration and the courage to achieve what they’re capable of. After all these, we proceeded to a study of their competitors and their online criticism to understand their strengths and weaknesses. Reebok came in contact with us in order to solve some problems with the advertising of their website. Particularly, the website lacks in aesthetics and organization

What Reebok needed to improve and increase their sales was an upgrade on their site, including the organization of the site and its aesthetic because a lot of complaints had been made about the clarification of the search on products. Success will be achieved when the bad comments and complains of the customers about the difficulty in the categorization of the products on the website are eliminated. So, we created a poster about the upgraded site with the logo “TRACK SPEED AS WELL AS ONLINE SPEED” meaning that site works more efficiently and faster than before, its speed is like the speed of their products. The outcome was spectacular with our client being more than satisfied. This is our goal, our clients to approve our hard work and making their ideas and hopes into reality.

Our campaign for Reebok

=>Check out our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/advertizingacademy/

=>As well as our website: http://advertizingacademy.tilda.ws/

OUR TEAM: Chrisoyla, Kamarinouchrist, georgia papadopoulou, Ppapamikroulea, Karanastasiantonia

Professor: Betty Tsakarestou

