“Getting to know infographics-The IKEA project”

Another cloudy Wednesday, at Hill street in Plaka, together with all the students of AD and PR Lab, during the lesson of “Digital creativity: apps, games, coding”, we began to learn how to create our own infographics, using Piktochart.

After bringing our laptops and gathering all the necessary information, the teams split to work separately. The task was to find a product or service and use the information we had searched for to write a repost including a problem the product/service has, and the solution we propose. After that, we had to create some posts and posters for Facebook and Instagram to launch our new campaign.


Our team, called AD-just, chose to work with the brand of IKEA, because it is a company we know very well and we feel close to it but also because we think that in Greece IKEA still needs to be improved.


At first, we included some general information and stats about IKEA departments in Greece so that anyone who reads the report can have a clear image before getting to know the problems we spotted and the solutions we suggested.

Afterwards, we analyzed the first problem of pets not being allowed in IKEA stores — something that dissatisfies pet-owner customers — and we gave the solution of mini yard shelters at the stores’ entrance, where experts and volunteers from animal shelters can play and take care of your pet while you shop, for only 0,50 euros per hour. This will attract more people at the store because it makes shopping more convenient for pet owners and it also communicates a more pet friendly image of the store.

Here you can see the pets problem and the solution we suggested.

Then we referred to the issue of the phone center and customers’ complaints about not being served properly and having to wait long hours on the phone with no result at the end. They said the employees weren’t really helpful and that they would not answer the phone.

For this, we suggested that the calls are recorded and a supervisor keeps track of them in order to know the time customers wait and the way the staff are talking to them. People working at the phone center will be evaluated and rewarded, with bonuses or special offers at the store, according to their job performance. This way they will have a stronger motive to service customers properly.

Here is the issue of the phone center and our solution.

The complete report is available on the link below.


We thought that the pet issue is the that would concern people more and that it would really help our brand image, so we decided to focus on it for our social media campaign.


We used pictures from IKEA’s furniture line Lurvig, to show that IKEA as a brand loves pets and now is willing to let them in the store too. We thought that the photos of pets on furniture would make customers feel like they’re at home relaxing with their own pet and this way make them feel closer to our brand. Our posts consist mainly of bright and vivid colors to reflect joy.

(Facebook post)
(Facebook poster)


For instagram we tried to use less words and a bit more color again with pet pictures that would be very nice not only for pet owners, but for people seeing the posts in general, since animals have proven to always be very attractive and popular for the audience in social media.

(Instagram post)
(Instagram poster)

In general, the experience with Piktochart was rather pleasant and easy, after having experimented with it and gotten to know its services and abilities. The process of making posts and other graphics was very creative and gave us a new skill we will definitely find useful in the future!

