Global Agency: The new cinema

When we first started this project, we were kind of lost. Imagine having to create a company at 19 and 22yo, kind of complicated right? But this did not scared us for long, because we rapidly came up with our idea: to create a company specialized in cinema.

This is the story of the creation of Global Agency, an agency created through the Introduction to advertising and public relations class, taught by Betty Tsakarestou.

Our mission

Basic you may say, but not for us. Our goal with this agency, one specialized in press relations and influencers, is to introduce a new kind of cinema. We are used to seeing mostly the same movies at the theater: action, comedies, romantic comedies… the same people are represented, the same gender, same religion, same color etc. Hence our mission to create a new kind of cinema. Our project is to promote movies that would not have gotten the chance to be promoted by any other agency. You won’t see this kind of movie through Disney, Marvel or Pixar. We want to give a chance to the small voices. By promoting them, we give them a chance to share their messages, share their visions, hopes and dreams. We want to represent everyone without discriminating, represent every social group.

Our vision and values

Now that you’ve learned more about our mission, let’s talk about our vision and values. As a pretty innovative company, our main values are transparency, because this is the key for a good functioning business and gaining the trust of our audience. Then equality, because this is essential in our today society that everyone is treated the same. Being open-minded and engaged is also one of our prime values. This is representing the message we want to share, the change we are hoping. Inclusivity is in the same branch of change. If you’re not inclusive, how can you consider yourself innovative and opened? And finally, innovation because this is what we are doing. We are innovating, reinventing a new cinema, a new society.

Then, let’s talk about our vision and how we are going to make this work. Humor, emotions and identifications are the basics we want to cover. If burger king’s marketing works so we’ll, it’s thanks to all of those characteristics. People laugh, identifies and get emotions from their strategy. This is what we want to do with our company. Humor will ought to provide our agency’s services with a dose of clever humor that depicts the quality of our projects and is making them seem serious and fun at the same time, hence appealing. The liberal expression of emotions in every service is important since we are aiming to work with people that are involved in the entertainment industry. The agency roots for the identification of the audience with its clients in order to make them feel accepted and welcome in a society where they are not alone but represented by people with the same characteristics as them.

Our social medias

Now, if all of these talk is nice but not enough representative of our work, let us talk to you about our social media, website and projects.

We decided to create a website through Tilda, an instagram account, a YouTube account and a TikTok. Those social media were created in order to share our work, visions, and show our potential clients and audience what we are doing for our actual clients. In those social media, you can see the projects we did for Apple and A24, our two first clients.

If the urge to continue reading this article is too hard, here is a little preview of our Instagram:

Our instagram page: @glob_agency
Our first post: presentation of the team member and the agency

And our website:

The welcome page
Team presentation
Newsletter page

Moreover, on our YouTube page, you can find our sequel of “the underdogs” series for Apple. It is a 5min movie in a movie promoting Athens and Apple’s products. Then, you can find our final project for A24, one that we will talk about right now, which is made of 2 TikTok.

The final digital campaign

Now the moment you have been waiting: let’s talk about our final digital campaign for A24.

Because the company is so close to our values and is specialized in distribution and production of movies and TV shows, they seemed as the perfect client for us. Their marketing strategy is already well developed so it was hard for us to find something in order to improve it. Doing so, we decided to create a recruitment campaign for a senior recruiter.In order to do so, we used a recruitment post that the studio had posted on their LinkedIn and website page. However, in order to innovate this research, we decided to create a campaign through TikTok.

The first TikTok was inspired by @theattnseeker, an account that is used to making funny but professional TikTok. To stay in a funny and innovative tone, we lead with this project. Because we couldn’t get one of the co-founder of A24 to do this video with us, we had to improvise and used one of our team member to act like him. You can find it here, or on our TikTok page: @glob_agency.

The second one is a TikTok review: how to attract people other than by showing how amazing it is to work for A24? So we used ourselves and cite reviews from interns, workers at the company, filmmakers, etc. Of course, we did not only showed the good parts, we also talked about some negatives points, because as we said before, transparency is key. This project was also followed up by 2 posts on Instagram. We decided to stay in touch with A24’s strategy and used some memes to promote the recruitment campaign.

The first one that you can see right underneath:

First Instagram post of the campaign

Was inspired by the meme of the two guys in the bus, one staring at some rainbows and being all happy, and the other looking sad and depressed on the other side of it. However, to show who is recruiting, we used an image from one of the new TV show of A24, Beef. This post was made in order to show how good it would be to work for the studio. Of course, it was accompanied by a description that you can find underneath the post.

Then, the second one:

Second Instagram post of the campaign

This one was inspired by the famous “Uncle Sam” posters. However, because the message shared by this poster can be controversial, we decided to innovate by using an image from Everything, Everywhere, All at Once, with the main character pointing an enormous finger and the “We want you” written underneath.

This campaign was an innovation for us and for the studio, who never had the opportunity to recruit in this kind of way. This whole project is innovative and could change the face of cinema, especially in today’s time where so many scandals are coming out. This is just the beginning of our adventure. We hope we got you inspired in this new era. Wanna get a follow-up of our project? Follow us!

Vicente Martinez Sanz Vassiliki Klaoud ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΡΟΥΣΣΗΣ Carolane Le Clec'h

