Heading to success

The second week of the ad discovery workshop we decided with the team to meet up before the class, which is located at the studio in plaka, in order to discuss about our project. We were challenged to come up with an original idea which in the future through development could be useful for everyone. So that’s what we did.

We were discussing about the problem with the refugees, the environmental and lot more but we wanted something more original that nobody could think. So after the meeting as we were heading to the studio in plaka, we were surrounded by desperate tourists holding their maps not knowing where to go. Some of them may also ask us where was located a shop they’ve been searching, from which way to go etc. And the start-up idea was in front of our eyes asking for help!

One of the major problems that everybody is facing during their visit in a foreign country is that the tourists don’t have a clue about the most valuable places to visit and even if they have they are struggling with the paper maps so as to go to the place they want. We hope that “The Receptionist Guide” will provide all the necessary alternatives in order to do your vacation and simultaneously be satisfied in the end of the trip.

You may also find/like us on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/The-receptionist-guide-1588223041493239/

Team members: Κατερίνα Θανάση, Xaris Spyropoulos, Marios Orthodoxou, Konstantinos Dragatsis

Team’s mentor: Betty Tsakarestou

