Headliner (3) The campaign

The reflexion around the campaign and the elaboration

After creating our communication agency names Headliner (The previous article is on Laurie Veuillot’s profile), we learned we had to choose an existing organization/company and to create a campaign for this company. We decided to choose a company related to the values of our agency about social progress, a cause the four of us were concerned about: street harassment. As girls, we know it can be difficult sometimes to walk in the street without being harassed. We decided to choose the company “Stop street Harassment”. Here is the website.

Stop Street Harassment is an American organisation.

“Stop Street Harassment (SSH) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to documenting and ending gender-based street harassment worldwide. It started as a blog in 2008 and became incorporated as a 501(c)3 in 2012” (Website)

First, It was important for us to do a campaign linked to the values and the mean of action of the brand. The organization wants to educate and to mobilise by informing and demonstrate about the problems.

It was also essential for us to do campaign using the new technologies and new media and to do storytelling in order to establish a real link between the target and the purpose of the campaign. We wanted to target the young generation, in order to educate and sensibilize them, to improve the condition of women in the street for the next decades. To make the message more effective, we decided to do an illustration of the daily life of women, in order to denounce.

This campaign has to be modern, so we wanted it to be interactive. We also wanted it to be reachable in everyday life, and to produce a feeling of mystery in the streets. But, the most important part, we wanted it to be creative. We decided to use street art. On many different walls in different cities, people will see some paints representing women’s bodies and a QR code.

Example of painting people would find on the street walls

After that, the people will scan the QR code with their cellphones. It will bring them to one of these two videos (videos designed for smartphone screens). Here are the links :

Video N°1:

Video N°2:

(The explanation of all the production of the videos are on Solène Anger’s profile).

At the end of the videos, the audience will find a link giving access to a specific page of Stop Street Harassement’s website where there is a list of places and hours where you can come for free and try in a game in Virual Reality. The game will be about harassment, in order to sensibilize people.

Of course,with all of this, we decided to invite people to use some specific hashtags related to our theme on Instagram and twitter.


By doing all this campaign, we wanted to reach certain goals:

  • Modernity
  • accessibility
  • Multi-platform/Multi-mediums
  • Creativity
  • Storytelling

We had a lot of pleasure together to create this campaign all together, trying to imagine what, as young people, could have worked with us, what campaign would have been pleasant to us, and what can be significant to our generation.

Article written by Tessa Blot

Headliner Team:

Rinata Talipova

Laurie Veuillot

Solène Anger

Tessa Blot

Team reunion


Betty Tsakarestou

My personal experience in this class was really interesting. Of course, having class with people from many different nationalities is a rewarding experience, but also very interessant. This class is, I think, kind of unique. My home university never gave me the opportunity to have a course of this type. This class is practical, it makes us think, create and not only learn and repeat. For me it was a brand new way of learning. It showed me I was able to create a real campaign, a real website, a real project. My group was composed of three french girls, and a Russian girl. We were a majority. But seing the difference of way of working, of method with the others groups leads us to learn a lot about ourselves.

