
Hey, we are 3Beats.

During our 6th semester’s Ad & PR Lab at Panteion University, we received a brief from the Minoan Lines, asking us to bring young adults and college students closer to the company and make ML their first choice when travelling from/to Crete, and to also get a lot more people to own the ML Bonus Club Card. So keep reading to find out about our ideas.

Mykonos Palace, one of the Minoan Lines’ ships.

First step to create something is, always, to do a research about it. Besides doing a research about the ML and other competitor companies we asked a few people around the age of 17- 24 that live away from home due to university reasons about their life. The main problem that most of them pointed out is the fact that when living along they have to be the one cleaning the house, doing the laundry and cook for their dinner. So getting these information from our audience we decided that we had to find a connection between Minoan Lines, university and food.

And now the fun part…Our idea is based on a common scene we come across in our country. A Child-Student that has just found out that he succeed in “Panellinies” and calls his grandmother to announce it. The next scene is the whole family travelling to Crete, on a ML boat. to set up the student to his new home. Coming up, the student is along eating from his grandmother’s lunch box when she calls him telling him that she will visit him every weekend to cook for him homemade food. The young adult, not so excited about it says that there is no need for that.

Then our contest will be announced a few days later. Our contest named “Piase tin Koutala Challenge” will encourage students to post on social media a funny video of themselves while cooking, to prove to their families that they can take care of them just as fine. The winner will get free tickets to travel to Crete but there will be many more prizes for the rest of the contestants based on the idea of spreading the ML Bonus Club card through the younger generation.

Posts, banners and posters will follow from the 17th of August till 9th of September to keep the contestants coming and make it viral around the web. The winner will be chosen from the amount of likes the videos will collect. An important note here, is the fact that we wanted to create a campaign where the brand is not that obvious from the beginning. Giving small hints about the “person” behind all of that we think that is better to make something viral and known at the beginning without having the name of a brand shouting it was their idea.

Some further ideas that we have to help ML be the No1 choice between young students when travelling is to make the boat a more entertaining place for them. Charging stands, free wifi- with good connection-, special menus and prizes for students with their ID card and an ML Chat box, where people in athe playroom created for younger ages , our customers will be able to chat anonymously with each other in a fun way.

Lambrini Tsiligianni Amalia St Betty Tsakarestou



Eleni Georgiou

Goals : ⚜️ visit at least two different countries every year ⚜️VFM show by Eleni Georgiou @SpamRadio ⚜️ Never let go of bad humor