Brainstorming, proposals and the final idea

Hi! We are a team of four people, George, Anna, Evangelia and Voula and we are called. “BrandNew”. While we were studying the course “Digital Creativity: Apps, Games & coding” of AdandPr lab of Panteion University, we were asked to compose a team and come up with an innovative prototype for an app and website. Our first reaction was to be somewhat disappointed, since we did not know how we were going to achieve it with our lack of the needed knowledge. However, our professors clarified many of the aspects and guided us properly. For our project, we had to use two platforms; Proto-io for the app, and Tilda for the website.

At first we started doing some brainstorming in order to find the final idea that we would all agree on. We tossed around many ideas, like a start up. that would take care of dogs, but for all of the ideas there would be someone that would disagree, or we would think of already existing ideas. Then, we realised that all four of us had a thing in common. We all wanted to do something productive in our everyday lives, and spend our free time into something interesting and something that would help us learn and develop our skills as future employees. As young people we love learning new things with any possible chance, use the gathered information and create wonderful things. And that is how we came up with our prototype.

We decided to use the name “Con-Action”, a name that is based on the idea of connecting and informing people and especially the youth, about actions they could take in order to improve. In particular, we wanted to create a platform that would inform young people in Greece of the age of 18–30 about all the options they have, regarding job positions, volunteering, seminars and workshops, based on their hobbies and preferences. Moreover, we wanted to add internship options, because we know that young people nowadays have a lack of the knowledge, which firms and cultural foundations are interested in. However, we wanted to be sure that our idea would be original, so we started doing some research in order to see if there are other start ups like this. We found out that there was only one similar website, but with very limited choices and that it has not been updated in many years. That is the reason why we decided to continue and test our idea.

We wanted our project to be like an online counselor that would guide young people and would seem like a pool of information for their productive steps. That is why we wanted our App and Website to always be updated with new job positions, events, seminars etc regarding many different fields of interest. Since it was going to be an app/ website with a more professional content, we wanted to use neutral and easy to look at colours, like white, black and blue, and we also wanted to use an easy to read font, with big and round letters, in order not to tire the reader. Additionally, we were thinking about having connections with firms etc in order for our users to be able to send their CVs etc to them through our platform.

Regarding our branding, we wanted to have a big social media presence in order for our start up to be well known to our target group, but we also thought that the mouth-to-mouth promotion would play an important factor. Our build-up would be gradual, so what we offer would also increase gradually. Ideally, we wanted to create a brand that would be well known even to the firms, NGOs, etc, so that they would inform us themselves, for example about a job position or internship being available, because we would have created a reliable platform, and more importantly, a platform well known to their target group as well.

In conclusion, we think of this idea as a very important guide for the young people nowadays, since all this information, apart from being very important themselves, are also scattered at the internet, and are not gathered somewhere. So that is where we would come in!

Betty Tsakarestou Dr. Stavros Kaperonis

Evangelia Anna Voula George

2nd Article

