Home Taste, Dream Taste

This time, our team chose Chunxi restaurant as aim customer and the theme of campaign is Home Taste, Dream Taste. We interviewed the founder of Chunxi and found that 70% of her budget is on online advertising, which aims to attract more Chinese in Greece through platforms like Instagram and little red book. And she prefers a traditional advertising style campaign with Chinese culture. Therefore, we chose the Mid-autumn Festival, a Chinese lunar festival for family union.

Combine her needs, we want arouse the taste memory of Chinese people who live or travel abroad, so that attract them to visit Athens and try dishes from Chunxi. The content policy will be the following steps.

Firstly, We hope to launch the “Taste of Home” series of Chinese delicacies, hoping to condense the memories of overseas Chinese to their hometowns in the food. Take the Mid-Autumn Festival as an example, Chunxi Restaurant will launch a reunion package (including all the classic Mid-Autumn Festival food, such as moon cakes, Peking duck, sweet-scented osmanthus wine, etc.).

Secondly, we will give full play to the characteristics of various social media at home and abroad, and carry out different media operations on domestic and foreign platforms. For example, we choose key opinion leaders whose characters is Chinese in Europe. We plan to invite him/her to come to Greece and celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival in Chunxi.

Thirdly, we will release some preliminary content according to the characteristics of the platform, and then according to the public’s acceptance and feedback of these content, we will decide the proportion of advertising on each platform within half a month. Based on our conversations with clients, they want to attract more Chinese tourists or residents, so we may put more publicity efforts on Chinese APPs.

And the last one is a letter from home. This is a letter to invite old or new customers to gather in Chunxi in Mid-autumn Festival in Chunxi. It will be sent through email, Instagram, Wechat groups and SMS. Where there is a taste of China, there is home.

Betty Tsakarestou 鲍梦妮 JudyZhoudi88

