How our ideal customer looks like — Ideal prospect branding customers

Before we started seeking for our ideal prospect branding customers we wanted to strongly highlight our values as a company. As we have mentioned before our beliefs as a company are transparency, sustainability, and being eco-friendly to the world. That’s what we were looking for to work with.

Photo by Sarah Dorweiler on Unsplash

Choosing to cooperate with ethical, and eco-friendly customers and brands was one of our first priorities. So we started searching companies- from smaller to bigger ones- that could be similar with our way of working.

‘Traid’ is a good example of all the above features as it is a charity whose goal is to stop people from throwing away their clothes and turn them into funds and resources in order to reduce the environmental and social impacts of clothes. Moreover they tend to make younger people more aware of this issue by promoting sustainability to schools as well as to universities.

The second company that meets our beliefs and values is ‘Goldfinger Factory’, a social company that builds furniture of interior design from pieces of waste material. They limited their materials to only reclaimed or sustainably-sourced ones and they have established an academy to teach about the importance of sustainability.

Our final ideal costumer is no other than ‘Apple’ ,arguably the most famous and well known technology company in the world. ‘Apple’ supports sustainability with their new program, ‘The Apple Renew’ ,that is the recycling of old and used apple devices and packaging paper. ‘Apple’ has a 1$ billion contract with ‘First Solar’ and they power up all of its California stores, offices, data, centers and headquarters with solar energy, making it the largest solar energy procurement deal for a non-utility company in history.

“Sustainable development is the peace policy of the future.”

-Dr. Klaus Töpfer, German politician (CDU) and environmental politics expert.

All in all, our ideal customers would be anyone that represents our values and has the same spirit and ideas to share and work with..

If you want to check the rest of AdMe Company’s team for more info, you should visit their accounts. Links below:

Mustafa Beyazkuş, Agelos Latsi, Artemis Logkaki, Eleni Perperidou, Basiliki Tomazou

