How to be witt-e while advertising

“Introduction to Advertising and PR” Panteion University,

prof.: Betty Tsakarestou

the company’s instagram logo

Within the context of “Introduction to Advertising and PR” lab, taught by prof. Betty Tsakarestou (Panteion University), and after having started up our brand new, innovative company “e-surmesure”, we had to create an appropriate, ambitious Advertising Agency sharing similar values and qualities to “e-surmesure” to promote digitally and highlight the uniqueness of our startup company. Eventually, our team came up with a really witty idea for a Greek (Athens) startup Advertising Company: witt-e!

The word is obviously a pun of the word “witty” (clever), adding symbolic meaning by implying the witty solutions the Advertising Agency uses to implement digital (e-) advertising campaigns! The Agency’s key word is “magic”, referring to the magic mix of powerful ideas supported by witty strategies and sound leadership. Unique ideas and values are shared with unique brands and witty solutions are developed for those (mostly local) startup businesses, aiming to turn them into global players. The Agency uses a witty combination of creativity, business strategy, innovation, technology and effectiveness, using also an approach inserting brands into pop culture in unexpected ways.

We, the four co-founders and co-creative “witt-e” team, all share a deep culture of collaboration investing on being really innovative through collective efforts which lead our clients-startup companies to distinguish among alternatives, to gain growth and success.

We specialize in innovative, dynamic digital campaigns, focusing on:

· brands and creativity — branding strategies

· advertising and marketing planning

· digital marketing

· social marketing

· content marketing

· performance media

· e-commerce

· public relations

· innovation

· co-promos, events etc.

We strongly demonstrate the aspects which make us valuable to people and vice versa, those aspects which imbue our services with intangible values and abstract connotations. Therefore, we clearly define our values as following:

· creativity, effectiveness

· imagination, innovation

· collaboration

· commitment, loyalty, reliability, responsibility

· quality, competitiveness

· uniqueness

· ethos

Those all highlight mostly our unique value: we focus on the unique products/services to launch around the global market in absolutely witty digital ways!

Of course, we should definitely point out witt-e’s purpose and vision which are summarized in the following:

· connect with product and marketing colleagues

· relationships with strong partners

· develop messaging and distribution strategies for content

· brand name / brand asset valuator / brand comprehension

· recognizability, awareness based on competitive advantage

· growth of customers’ range

· building the branding image / value

· seeking for perfection, professionalism, quality

· building of brand loyalty — word of mouth (enthusiastic clients)

Last but not least and as far as funding is concerned, we have certainly been using our own invested capital at first, but we are working fast and effectively on creating strong partnerships, dealing with sponsors and booking profitable advertisements. Of course, we have high funding expectations from our future clients who will definitely be absolutely satisfied by the witt-e campaigns our team will provide them!

Our team

Zimianiti Lina — managing director

Kylifi Antonia — business development / strategy director

Makri Zelia — branding and creative services director

Papalamprou Giannis — digital marketing director

Our ppt

Tonia Kylifi

Zelia Makri

Giannis Papalambrou

Betty Tsakarestou

