How to build a brand — Microsoft

Photo by Franck V. on Unsplash

As an advertising and communication agency, we had to understand how a brand is created. Based on the e-book “How to build a brand” and the “Four Ages of Branding” by Interbrand we have studied all the stages and the ages in order to create a brand that appeals to its target audience, advocates quality, gains reputation and creates engagement with its clientele.

Our goal in this task was to showcase a representative brand for the Age of Experience. We chose Microsoft as the most suitable for this case study because it has a great brand value and it invests in its branding strategy with consistency. It’s one of the brands that definitely comes under the “Age of Experience — Age of You” umbrella.

Firstly, Microsoft has maintained its logo throughout the years, with a few changes so as to be more memorable. It focuses on the personalization and seamless connection of online and offline client’s experience with a number of technological innovations.

Other than its consistency of the logo and the expansion of customer’s experience, nowadays with all this technological development, hyper-connected channels are really important. Microsoft provides the clients with a hyper-connected ecosystem of channels, giving the opportunity of shopping through phones, apps, interactive kiosks, and AI assistants.

It also introduced the data-powered approach because the client is the key! More specifically, Microsoft creates “Docalytics” in order to offer hypersonalized experiences and 360 view of the customers, collecting data from transactions, online behaviors, app use, and service interaction.

Microsoft has also had a strong presence on social media that creates a relationship between the brand and the customers based on engagement, interaction, and trust. We thought from personal experience as Microsoft users that it was the best brand for the purpose of this case study.

Team: Despoina Fragou Stavros Tzanis Angeliki Valeri Katerina Kalatha GeorgiannaChondrou

Agency: ADapt




Student of the Department of Communication, Media & Culture, at Panteion Uni. and Volunteer as a Marketing and Communication Assistant at Balkans Beyond Borders