IKEA|Let’s Relax

It’s meal time!You can’t eat though , because there will always be someone who wants to take a perfect meal photo for instagram.What would have happened however, if somebody wanted to follow this procedure at a time that instagram and current technology wouldn’t exist? 2016 IKEA ad “Let’s Relax” satirically presents a 17th century aristocratic family to be experiencing this situation.

The father prevents everyone from eating their food by calling a painter to depict the dishes.Afterwards he calls an army of servants with a carriage in order to show the painting to the city residents (from the poorest to the richest ones) seeking positive or negative reactions. Since the positive results are announced to the father, then the family can start enjoying their meal. The results are indicated by the raised thumb, reminding us the social media “like” or “thumbs up”. Then we see a nowadays family experiencing the same event, but with the current facts.The spot ends with the phrase “It’s a meal. Not a competition.Let’s Relax”.

The ad created and produced by “Acne” in Stockholm and directed by Tompa and Rondo. Johan Holmgren ,creative director in Acne,said: “we believe that we have to present a perfect image of ourselves online and this brings us back from what we really like to do.” The main social media problem isn’t just our need for the perfect photo, but the fact that we shoot it for strangers.This way we put them into priority and we exclude our closest people who are present at the time.

In pre-smartphone era, closing your house door meant shutting out the world.Nowadays, living with social media, we create relationships without even getting out of the house.The aim of the ad is to encourage people to stop stressing out about how their food seems on social media, and rediscover the simple joy of cooking, eating and being together!

Marketistas:Λευϊτικού Σοφία , Μαυρομανωλάκη Νικητούλα

Betty Tsakarestou Lina Kiriakou

