In the end, we discuss the beginning

On the 19th of June, I and my incredible team we concluded our group project on the “Ad Discovery & Creativity Lab” lesson of this semester. Each and every one of us chose a presentation we made during this interesting journey through marketing and brand strategies to immortalize through the Medium platform. The presentation I chose was our very first one, where we presented our team and our brand (RE-Tech) and we discussed an advertising campaign by Burger King. And so, thirteen days after the end, we discuss the beginning.

How we managed this?

Firstly, we had a Skype call (due to quarantine), and we discussed the assignment “Team presentations and Cannes Lions 2019 Grand Prix Winners Campaigns”. We study the notes provided by our professor, and we concluded to a team/brand name, brand services, and positions within our brand. At this point, we were totally new to the world of marketing and creative brand strategy, so we followed the old-known college formula for team assignments; we divided the assignment into five parts, and each one took on a portion of the work. A common part of our first work was that everyone would write a few sentences about themselves and their duties as members of our brand (the results of you can see below, to Images 2, 3, and 4). I took on the presentation of our brand services (Image 1) as well since my part-time job to TACT HELLAS had provided me with some marketing experience (I had made some promotional leaflets for the company).

Image 1: Our brand and its services, as was presented to our PowerPoint
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4

Whopper Detour; Our analysis and how we went for it.

The first part of the assignment was the easy one, though. The real assignment was the analysis of a Cannes Lions 2019 Grand Prix Winner Campaign. During the aforementioned Skype call, we also discussed which campaign should we choose. After a lot of suggestions, we were between two fast-food titans; Wendy’s Fortnite campaign and the Whopper Detour campaign by Burger King. Needless to say -since you can see the subtitle- we started analyzing the Whopper Detour campaign.

As stated before, our experience was very limited. We were only two lectures in this lesson and our understanding of branding was lacking, to say the least. So, we once again divided the review to five parts/questions:

“What was the purpose of this campaign?”, which was assigned to me.

“Who were the target audiences?”, which was assigned to Styliana Louca.

“What was the key message?”, which was assigned to Kontos Efthymis.

“Domestic or International?”, which was assigned to Marianina Deligianni.

“Is there a good story?”, Which was assigned to Eftychios Roti.

As you can see in the PowerPoint attached to this article, this assignment did not have a lot of writing in the actual presentation. This is why we were planning to read the results of our research aloud (through our notes, attached below), while we don’t overwhelm our colleagues with blocks of text. That plan, sadly, never came to fruition.

Due to the COVID-19 outburst, our team was created way later than it should, missing a lot of presentations through the electronic class as a result. So we just attached our notes among our PowerPoint file and hoped our professor would notice.


Reading through our Google Drive notes made me see how much we have learned this semester. This first assignment was made in something of a rush, due to the late formation of RE-Tech, but I believe me, and my team, have developed our skills to a much higher level than when we started.

If you want to see what else we crafted through our creative journey. We are really proud of what we have made, and we are more than happy to share it with the world.

Thanks, Ms. Tsakarestou for giving this opportunity!

Our PowerPoint Presentation



John Reizis

Currently studying marketing, having a novel on the works, and doing some digital art. I also work part-time at Tact Hellas.