Instagram and communication strategy

As a startup, we decided to have a social media representation and a specific communication strategy. The social media marketing is a very important chapter for a startup, in order to get advertised. So, for this reason, we created an Instagram account.

We chose Instagram, because it is correlated with the visual identity and we wanted to create a strong one and after some weeks to move on to the Facebook Page. So, our basic Instagram plan for now is to upload;

The process of chocolate making; We want to post pictures and videos of chocolate making, in order to show people that they are a part of our startup and we do everything they need to give them the chocolate pleasure.

Stories and lives; Those features of Instagram are a great way to get engaged with your community. Researchers said that more people see the stories than those, who see the posts. So, it is great way to show our startup daily life and catch their attention. Additionally, Instagram lives are a great way to interact with your audience and exchange ideas and aspects.

“Meet El Mejor” campaign; We decided to run a campaign about our startup, which has the goal to introduce our basic ingredients (like raw cocoa, stevia and coconut sugar) and some of our proposed uses of our chocolate. Our aim is to catch the interest of our consumers. So, we will post every 5 days a new “piece” of our campaign, in order to wait for it! We will use a hyperlink to our platform for further information, because Instagram descriptions will be brief.

So, let’s move on to our general communication strategy;

Be clear; A significant part of our communication strategy is to be clear. People have to know who we are, what we are doing and why we are doing this. So, we have to declare this clearly. Moreover, we try to write clear messages that everyone can understand.

Feedback; Communication is not only about share your ideas. It is also connected to the opinions of the others. And those opinions are the best way to clarify our ideas and our project. Feedback can fill some gaps and help you make the next step. So, those suggestions or recommendations can improve our startup.

Why important; In order to communicate your idea, you always have to underline why it is important. In our case, we have to give attention to the suitability of our chocolate and its nutritional value. Our chocolate is suitable for people with health problems, like diabetes, so they can eat a healthy chocolate. That’s the reason why our idea is important and we have to communicate this.

Official hashtags; We want to use some hashtags for our campaigns and presentations, in order to be found by people with those hashtags. Our official hashtags will be #ElMejor, #TheChocomists and for our first campaign #MeetElMejor.

Campaigns and contests; We aspire to run some campaigns and contests that will make our consumers to know us better. We want to build a brand image and identity, introduce our products and increase the sales. Campaigns are all about reaching customers and that is our goal.

George Mitsoulas Anna Bear Niki koutoulouli Voula A Kat Eugenia Kolovou Maria Kaloudi




Published in AD DISCOVERY — CREATIVITY Stories by ADandPRLAB

Advertising and Public Relations Lab (#ADandPRLAB) Publication to cultivate a culture of curiosity, experimentation, co-creation and impact digital storytelling for students, professionals and academics. We explore the new futures in communication, branding, and digital media.