Creating a social network in instagram was one of the main tasks of the project. The most difficult part is to create a visual context and content plan for posts in the near future. Since instagram is a visual network, the quality of the photos used was very important.

To do this, our team has prepared 12 photos for the instagram feed. We attach a screenshot of the feed to this text.

Instagram photos

You can see that the instagram feed is created in the same style.

Here you can see an example of organizing an instagram feed. We used the design in the style of the hotel’s colors-light blue and light brown. Everything is done in a simple and organic style. The style is unique and reflects the key values of the hotel. We showed these posts to the hotel owners and they approved them.

We also set out the main directions for the content plan — show the hotel, tell about the values, protection the environment, sights and of course sales.

Here are a few posts that we have specially prepared for the hotel.

Here you can see an example post for column — ecofriendly products. The title of the post — How does an eco-friendly hotel differ from a usual one?

I will not read the entire post, it is too long, but I will note that we have prepared all the posts in the genre of storytelling, so that people are interesting to read and we do not forget about the call to action.

Example of an Instagram post-photo and text №1

The next post for this category is stepstosights

This will be a series of posts about the key sights of the city and the Basque country and how far they are and how many steps to go to them.

Example of an Instagram post-photo and text №2

We have also prepared a section to promote the bar, as ordinary residents of the city can also relax here. We tell them what entertainment there is in the bar and encourages people to come here and have fun.

Example of an Instagram post-photo and text №3

This is how we created a basic strategy for promoting the hotel on Instagram. We hope you enjoyed this article! Tell us, how do you like the visual that we have prepared? Can you recommend that we add something else?

Anastasiia Shvetc, Irati Barrena Bolinaga, Angeliki Kyriazi and Katerina Tsiakaraki

