RepFixPR: Fake it till you make it — Intro, Part 1


The creation of RepFix PR began as a simple project within the scope of the course “Introduction to Advertising and PR” and turned into the whole new agency with its own tactics and principles. During our experience we were taught how to understand the process of startups, possible problems, mistakes and how we can resolve them.

Our team consists of Nastassia Kulenchyk, Anna Muruzidi, Anastasia Spania, Harry Hutas and Kseniia Krupitskaia. It was a real journey for us to work as a team because we didn’t know each other at all and it was a real challenge, but at the end it worked out very well. Every member had its own role — Nastassia was the Head of Strategy, Anna — our Head of Communications and Public Affairs, Anastasia was the Director of Public Relations, Harry — Art Director and Kseniia was Event Manager. We all had to develop and improve our skills and knowledge in every step of our journey in order to create a company that will work. Nothing could work without sharing and brainstorming.


We started to know each other and work together at the beginning of March. We didn’t know much about each other, but there was a beauty in it. We supposed to find optimal ways to organize our work, combine our thoughts and a path getting along together.

The decision to name our startup company «RepFix PR» was made due to the desire to help our future clients to fix the reputations. We wanted to help businesses to strengthen their image in society, find their target audiences and improve messages to their clients.


As a part of our path, we needed to made our values. We stopped at 5 main points and furthermore tried to follow them.

The first 2 are — ENGAGEMENT and RESPECT.

The key to building exceptional relationships with clients, consumers and each other, is showing appreciation to anyone and everyone who becomes a part of our journey.

The next one is TRUTH.

We believe that without truth there’s no trust. Without trust, there’s no audience willing to engage.

And the last 2 — VISION and MOTIVATION.

After positioning our values, we thought about trust. Few sessions were devoted to this topic, so we tried to understand how trust spread and how it can help our agency reach a new level.

It’s believed that we live in ‘crisis of trust’. However, that doesn’t mean this is the age of distrust. Trust, the currency of interactions in a society, has shifted from institutional trust to a new form of distributed trust. The key difference here is that instead of flowing upwards to institutions trust now gets spread horizontally among peers, friends, colleagues and fellow users.

4 truths we’ve learned through these sessions are:

1. Brand’s trust level is vital for communication with its customers. ​

2. Trust is all about interaction.​

3. Trust can only be earned gradually.​

4. Most brands and organizations do not properly take care of their trust management.

Moreover, while creating the website of our agency, we decided to make it bright as a contribution of all team members — sometimes our ideas can be weird, but they are bright and fit to our concept of acceptance of every idea and thought. And that how we are treating our clients: with respect and listening to ideas and trying to make them real, no matter how hard it can be.

Our professor: Betty Tsakarestou

Our team: Harry Huta, Nastya Kulenchik, Kseniia Krupitskaia, αναστασία σπν., Annamuruzidi

Find RepFixPR: Reputationfixpr


Instagram & Twitter: @repfixpr

Our website:

