
As technology advances, influencing exponentially our everyday lives and becoming an integrated part of them, it is getting more and more difficult for certain social groups, with limited access to it, to keep up. So how can we bridge this digital gap that widens day by day? COSMOTE suggests a solution while professing its faith in technology and its commitment to rending it accessible to everyone.

The OTE group is the largest telecom provider in Greece and along with its subsidiaries it constitutes one of the top telecom providers in southeastern Europe. Through its latest advertising campaign OTE commits to creating a world where everyone will get equal chances to improve their lives, surpass the obstacles and chase their dreams. To make this a reality we are, undeniably, in need of technology to give us a boost not only in communication but also in education, entrepreneurship, new ideas, health and several other aspects of everyday life.


COSMOTE employs an innovative experiential approach in order to illustrate its point. The exercise is known as Privilege Walk and It is used on an international level, not as a social experiment, for its goal is not to present us with scientific results, but as an experiential exercise that helps the partisipants visualize any kind of inequality. In this particular case, the Privilege Walk is formulated so as to bring out the inequalities created by the digital gap within the Greek society. The goal is to make the public realize that this is a reality that needs to change. The procedure is as follows: approximately 80 strangers got together so as to participate in an experiential exercise they knew nothing specific about. Along the way, they were posed questions concerning their lives and were asked to take steps according to how many resonated with them. Every participant charted his own different course. As it happens in real life.

After all the questions have been heard, the following statements are made by the exercise’s supervisor:

· The social path of each individual is linked to the circumstances of his life.

· Different circumstances offer different opportunities and as a result create social inequalities.

So how will COSMOTE become a supporter in the democratization and further advancement of technology?

1. By investing in new networks and advanced infrastructures, that will exceed 500.000.000 € in 2018.

2. By upgrading the communication channels (ex. MyCosmote App) as well as launching new digital products.

3. By providing Businesses with new digital tools and equipment (Grow your business- Digital Training).

4. By supporting students with social and financial particularities.

5. By expanding the optical fiber network so that everybody can enjoy fast browsing wherever they are.

Through the #kalyteroskosmosCosmote campaign COSMOTE displays its vision to create equal opportunities for all, covering as many different needs possible, defying the digital gap and creating a new, fairer, digital world for everyone!

Our team, “ADverturous PRoposals”: Liana Kollia, Korina Simeonidou, eirini*ak, Aimilia29

Lina Kiriakou, Betty Tsakarestou

