@KatArty Campaign Story

GlowAD Company is pleased to announce its first customer, KatArty.

KatArty is a one-Woman business producing dancewear. The owner’s idea started through her own involvement with dance classes. Dance is a way of exercising & entertainment. It influences musical options, conversation topics, hangouts, and clothing choices. At the moment, she sells her creations by the power of ‘the word of mouth’.

KatArty’s mission is the design and sewing of a limited edition collection of dancewear (Prêt-à-Porter). Also the production of unique pieces made under order (Tailor made).

KatArty’s vision is a dress code creation with a specific profile, identified at the concerned aspects but also the clientele expansion outside the dance areas. A small cozy physical shop is always in her to do list together with the potential to create a menswear collection and the prospect of opening up activities in foreign markets in the future.

Amateur but also Professional dancers belong to KatArty’s target group while the owner offers a unique fashion experience to the woman who wants to combine the dynamism of the intense rhythms of everyday life with her feminine and romantic side during dancing. To go farther, she believes that every woman could be her potential client while a KatArty woman type, is the one who after a long day at the office or at home, will not hesitate to have a hobby and will find time to sway to her favorite rhythms, in a floral circle skirt or in a fishy loose jumpsuit on a dancefloor or even in a plain night out.

KatArty’s Sustainability vision incudes Ethical Fashion that aims the quality instead of quantity, «Green» entrepreneurship that has the environment protection as a priority, Zero Waste by recycling and reducing the environmental footprint. KatArty also tries hard to Avoid Fast fashion by producing timeless pieces.

GlowAD SWOT Analysis for KatArty:

A research for the Strengths & Weaknesses from KatArty’s internal environment and for the Opportunities & Threats from KatArty’s external environment. The most important points are that the company has not much competition but its products are expensive. Technology makes purchases easier but the second hand & vintage market can reduce sales.

GlowAD PEST Analysis for KatArty:

A research for the External Political, Economical, Social & Technological sectors. The insecure political atmosphere plus leads to an unstable feeling in dance-fashion industry but on the other hand socialization human need and new technologies can keep save that kind of organizations.

GlowAD Communication Strategy for KatArty (what we are planning to do):

• Transfer the website to a new platform

• Have presence to all socials & have up to date content

• Make a blog where dancers can have an account and exchange experiences

• Contact with dancers in order to understand their needs & wishes. (ex. the difficulties in finding followers & leaders). In this way our site could be an opportunity for them

• Dance events announcements in our client socials

• Fashion events announcements in our client socials

• T-shirts (made by our client) for the GiANT Heart Campaign that we have already proposed to Novibet

KatArty’s Moto: is ‘These suits are made for dancing!’

KatArty’s Website: https://katniag.wixsite.com/my-site-5

KatArty’s Facebook: KATarty

KatArty’s logo:

· Full logo:

· Trademark:

· Cloth Labels — Normal & Mirror:

KatArty’s Miro Marketing Board: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOosggDg=/

KatArty’s Promo Video Spot: https://clipchamp.com/watch/iaMIXmDhonp

In order to show our clients relation with dance, we use the melody of a famous song & rephrase the lyrics to support our moto (“These suits are made for dancing!”)

