Katharxis Agency: PR from scratch.

Athens, GR / June 2023

Ιωαννα Μανωλη, Ioanna Merika, ΙΩΑΝΝΑ ΖΥΓΟΥΡΑ, Lucie Morvan, Betty Tsakarestou

Katharxis is a Creative Advertising and PR Agency, that was founded by 4 female students of Panteion University in Athens, Greece.

In Katharxis, our Mission is to transform any project into striking and eye-catching visuals, in order to satisfy each client’s goals. We value sustainability, confidence, uniqueness/ individuality.

Through this past year, our agency has managed to create fun concepts and collaborate with great professionals, that have elevated our group’s skills and attributes. All of our members have been — and still are — dedicated to our team’s efforts and goals. As creatives and motivated individuals, we are always eager to reach out and connect with new clients and always open to engage with new mentors, to ensure our team’s development and growth.

Since the beginning of 2023, Katharxis Agency has established its media presence, by creating the agency’s main website https://katharxis.tilda.ws , and its social media accounts, on Instagram , Twitter & TikTok.

Katharxis Agency — TikTok account
Katharxis Agency — Instagram account

Main Project: Area51 Coffee Roasters

Throughout this journey, we had the pleasure of collaborating* with a high-quality coffee brand: “Area51 Coffee Roasters” located in Athens, with sales in Greece and London, for a very exciting project called “Area51: An Otherwordly Experience”. This concept meant to highlight the mystery and thrill that surrounds the brand’s name (in connection to the Area-51 military base in the US), while at the same time it made sure to showcase and promote the brand’s main principles, of quality and sustainability — both ecological and social.

(* not a commercial collaboration, but an academic one, at the base of Panteion University’s course of Advertising and Public Relations.)

After introducing this project with a promo clip, we created a poster made out of eco-friendly materials, that would then be made into 300 collectible coffee cups, for all Area51 lovers to pre-order and collect, in a form of a “treasure hunt” based in Athens, Greece. All income would then go towards the company’s agricultural workers, that provide its quality coffee beans from all over the world (India, Burundi, Brazil etc.), as a gesture of support and appreciation.

Area51: An Otherwordly Experience — Poster

Closing campaign

As for our closing campaign, for our collaboration with Area51 Coffee Roasters, we decided to concentrate on the social aspect of the brand’s profile, and shift our focus to its social sustainability goals, in correlation to our previous campaign. We figured that we needed to provide value to both the agricultural workers and the brand’s audience. Therefore, we created a fun promo clip, to showcase our latest campaign, which was a competition, in which a few lucky ones would be able to travel and visit Area51’s coffee-producing countries worldwide.

Social Media Post (1) for the Closing Campaign
Social Media Post (2) for the Closing Campaign
Social Media Post for the Closing Campaign
Social Media Post (3) for the Closing Campaign

