King of the Hill and the stage of ideating

This piece of writing was created and uploaded as part of the course “Introduction to Advertising and Public Relations”, taught by Betty Tsakarestou.

When we were finished up with the empathizing and defining the problem stages we moved on to the next step of the 5 stage Design Thinking Process: Ideation. What this means is that we began generating ideas that could provide us with possible solutions to the problem we had already identified.

We started by looking at alternative ways to tackle this problem that is of deeply social nature and a vital part of the concept of communication. We strongly support that each and every one of us faces the difficulty of having a plethora of opinions but not the necessary means to express, compare, contrast and discuss them in a healthy and structured environment.

To achieve this we utilized a variety of modern ideation techniques. We came to the realization that another blogging platform would just not quite cut it. We wanted to offer much more than a means, that is, a unique experience within an open-minded community. Throughout multiple brainstorming sessions we uncovered not only the aspects we wanted to include in our platform but also the ones we should avoid. This is how what came to be known as King of the Hill was initially actualized.

We decided to have a completely different topic every week that would be common for all King of the Hill users and upon which different views were to be shared. Creating original multimedia content the users would also be able to write and interact with each other in a healthy competitive atmosphere so as to gain the recognition of their peers and eventually earn the achievement of becoming King of the Hill.

Ideation was the stage during which most ideas were conceived. It is where King of the Hill was born, raised and constantly evolved to become the best possible version of itself.

The King of the Hill team consists of:

Giwrgos Kalathas,

Xara Kantareli,

Ilektra Rouni,

Nikos Serafetinidis,

Katerina Chatzaki

