Kotsovolos: The new upgrade

Value propositions

Over the years Kotsovolos have been creating collaborations among diversity chapters to promote equality and social diversity. He also invented the pay express method of payments which has been particularly successful the last few years and made significant progress in customer services through sign language, fix and go (1 hour product repair) and quick points which are basically out-of-store pickups.

Social Media

Mainly active on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn where it has been creating engagement with its audience within the years, not logged in in Spotify and TikTok which are the new generation medias.

Main Competitors

Plasio and Public where Plaisio is the one that’s dominating on Social Media, Kotsovolos has still improvements to make in order to reach the desired impact and outcome.


We aim at targeting younger audiences as mostly the audience is between ages 30–45, with men being the majority of the target group. We want to increase the numbers on YouTube that are far from the competitors it has been established that the way to attract the youth is through TikTok with partnerships and also by collaborations with Instagram personas and influencers such as Nikos Moutsinas, Doretta Papadimitriou, Nikos Giannoulis.


The main gap that was identified, however, is again the TikTok in which we’ll aim to raise and create content based on todays trends.

Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

