Koumparos. An innovative idea of socializing.

The last task of the Introduction to Public Relations class, was about making an iconic start-up company with our teams. To be honest, back to that Monday when our professor announced that in the second part of the lesson we had to write down our first plans about our start-up, I wasn’t happy at all. It was already a tough day, and the only thing I needed was a tasty meal and my bed to relax. But eventually, just like all other teams, we also took our big paper and started taking notes accordingly to our first thoughts.

“The first thoughts”

At the beginning, nobody had an idea of what to do. I remember sitting at a table outside Studio Hill, looking at the white paper, but no one could write anything, despite our discussions. Stelios was trying to teach Loreen, who is an abroad student, the meaning of the word Koumparos, and they were laughing with the fact that neither Stelios could give the actual meaning, nor Loreen could understand him. At that moment, our whole start-up project came to my mind. Bingo! We are making a brand new dating agency , with the name Koumparos!

To be honest, at first I was just joking. But all the members of my team actually liked the idea, and they started to do brainstorming in order to take our company to the next level. When mrs Tsakarestou also came to see what we were doing, and approved the concept, then the rest is history. Our first mission was finding a new way to get people meet each other , we didn’t want to be just like other dating agencies. But eventually, it was about time to leave the lesson and go home, so we kept our thoughts for the next days.

The following Monday, and after a small research from all the members of our team, we made our final decision. There will be two reasons why our company will be a revolution to what we know until today as a “dating agency”. The first thing is that we are not interested only in making new couples, but also new friends, new collaborators, etc. The second thing is that, we are making the matching suggestions, and , what is more, we organise them a trip in collaboration with All About Travel, a well known travel agency , to the ideal greek place for them, in order to have several days to a brand new destination for them to get to know each other. For that reason, our start-up company has also social aspect. With our work, we try to fight loneliness and social exclusion.

The next step was to find the best way to present our idea in the class, and also start a campaign to get more people interested in our idea. Each of the members had their own task to do. Personally, as long as All About Travel is owned by my family, I decided the way we could organise the trips for our clients, and also I gave some information about our office. Besides, we made our Power Point presentation in the All About Travel’s office , in Syntagma.

“Work,work work”

To sum up, I believe that this task was a unique experience for us. Firstly, it was our first time getting knowledge about the way of making a new company, so we can say that it enhanced our creativity. In addition, whereas the task , and basically this class on its whole had to do with teamwork, we learnt how to avoid getting into trouble with our colleagues, and having an effective collaboration, which is one of the most important things in the following adult life. In general , I am very happy about choosing this course, because I think it gave me very useful experience in the domains of marketing and public relations, in which I am also interest to work in the future.

#Agrecofarmsteam #koumparos

“Introduction to public relations” course 2019

Betty Tsakarestou

Team Members:

loranne van Keulen

Alex Dimou


Στέλιος Καλαιτζακης

Ευσταθία Κολοβού

