Learning about ‘’Tourismart’’

Our last project was to pick an existing start-up agency and present it to our colleagues and professor, Ms Tsakarestou, during the class ‘’Introduction to advertising and pr‘’. The already existing team is Yelizaveta Koliada, Anastasia Liakou, Amanda Linara and Iriana Nika.

In our first meeting about this project, we displayed and wrote down many possible start-up agencies. Eventually, we decided that we had to end up with a Greek innovative digital start-up company. That’s why we chose the Simple Apps agency and more specifically, we had presented to our class, the first app and function of it, the ‘’Tourismart’’ (www.tourismart.com).

Left: Leonidas Kanellopoulos, Right: Magy Kontou

Many of you maybe questioning why this startup? It’s too simple! The tourismart app started as an idea of two Greek students, Magy Kontou and Leonidas Kanellopoulos. Nowadays, this app that became company occupies six people. It all started in 2013 and the Tourismart released in public in 2015. That service had won in more than six competition of innovation and youth entrepreneurship at Greece and abroad. Some of the awards are “Best IoT Solution for Business” in the competition of Deutsche Telekom, the participation to incubation program “theegg” of Eurobank incubator and the title of “Winner at Business IT Excellence” in the competition of COSMOTE. One year later, in 2016, the company announced the trade cooperation with OTE group and the incorporation of Tourismart to the portfolio of solution that COSMOTE provides to businesses in hotel industry.

Some of the company`s awards

Using this app, visitors have access to all hotel services without delays and missed calls to the reception. Whatever else may need is in their hands through their smartphone device. There is no need any more to use the stable phone of the room or carry on leaflets for delivery. From the other hand, inn keepers get to know better with the visitors and their preferences. In that way, they can offer them quality services personalized. Communication becomes direct and the hotel income increases. So, everyday misunderstandings are avoided and tourists leave the hotel with the most pleasant experience!

Image of the app menu

The company’s target and vision coincide. The increase of cooperation between hotels in Greek economy, the further partnerships that will secure the establishment in the hotel industry, are only some aspects of the desirable. Creators, owners, employees and partners participate in planning the company’s next steps. It is already scheduled to release a consolidated mobile app that won’t be different for each hotel and new characteristics that will cover more services.

When we ended up with that company, Anastasia communicated with her known, Magy, who happens to be the owner of the company. She confirmed the information that we have already found and she gave us some more. It was like an interview through phonecall. Anastasia and Amanda created the powerpoint presentation. Generally, it was an honor to meet people as Magy and we are very grateful that Greece has such innovative and successful companies. We hope young people keep on dreaming and be creative!

Team: Elizabeth Koliada, Anastasia Liakou, Amanda Linara, Ιριάνα Νίκα

Professor: Betty Tsakarestou

