Campaign for LES ÉCARTÉS

This Article is about the campaign that we Media M created for LES ÉCARTÉS as the final work for Ad discovery and creativity Lab.

At the very first beginning, we had two companies on our list: LES ÉCARTÉS and Mackage. One was a Non-Profit and Non-Govermental Organization based in Athens, active in the Cultural Management field, and the other was an Canadian outerwear brand which we had infomation on its first launch in Chinese market this June. We made campaign plans for the both potential clients, for LES ÉCARTÉS, we focused on the innate power of its corporate culture and stressed on its original target audience, while for Mackage, what we paid attention to was to find a efficient way to create strong memory points for a new market.

(Official logo of LES ÉCARTÉS)

Why did we choose LES ÉCARTÉS at the end?

Above all, Media M and LES ÉCARTÉS shared same value. We found the idea and mission of LES ÉCARTÉS fascinating. They protected, managed and promoted the work of contemporary artists and artisans especially those who were socially isolated and brought together artists of different educational, cultural, social background to challenge the boundaries within art .

Moreover, Media M gave privilege to NGO and startup agencies like LES ÉCARTÉS when choosing our partners. As we said, we were more than willing to shoulder our corporate social responsibility. So, except branding for business we also wanted to help the Non-Profit and Non-Govermental Organization.

We created a video and a poster for the campaign of LES ÉCARTÉS and post them on our Media M Instagram account.

(The video post on Media M Instagram page)

Considering LES ÉCARTÉS meaning someone excluded, we chose the words unity and inclusion as our advertising slogan, trying to highlight that LES ÉCARTÉS is a new platform encouraging cultural symbiosis and every artist could find his/her own position here. Media M put these two words into the video and also used the photos taken from the official site of LES ÉCARTÉS.

For poster, we targeted on the most important theme event of LES ÉCARTÉS-stranger in a strange land, an upcoming art show in Athens. We thought an off-line local art exhibition would be a nice way for artists to communicate because passion within art would be easily shown in a face-to-face event, but we also aspired to expand the online influence of LES ÉCARTÉS, which would directly help our client get known by diverse communities. In our poster on Instagram we selected “safe nest”“excluded”“quality”“boundaries”, which were related to the pain spots of marginalized artists, in order to show the empathy and connection between artists and LES ÉCARTÉS. Also, an aesthetic perception could be seen from the playfully minimalist patterns and simple color palettes, appealing to our targeted audience-the one interested in local art show.

(The poster Media M created after feedback from Les Écartés)

After our first move on our Instagram page, we got contact with LES ÉCARTÉS via email to ask for their feedback. They kindly showed their appreaciation on our promotion and gave some useful suggestions. Some detailed amendments were put into our campaign according to their response.

We look forward to further cooperation with LES ÉCARTÉS and welcome every potential partner.

