Live as a local

The latest travel experience


A new and innovative idea has come to life, due to this semester’s course on Digital Creativity: Apps, Games, Coding. The goal was the creation of an e–shop or a website as a our-very-own business plan. So, our team, Pro.Ago (Poppy Kousi, Eleftheria Kostoula-Athanasiou, Dimitri Makris, Marissa Moumouri, Ioannis Spiliopoulos, Aris Tzimas and Eirinaios Trapetsas), decided to make a travel website. The purpose was to create an online site through which people can combine travelling with adventures and different flavors.

The name of the site is “Live as a local” and boils down to our motto that is “Live the destination, experience the travel…”. We chose that name in order to combine travels with new experiences and a new way of travelling in general. So, are you and your friends part of this group target? Do you like to visit different places, to meet new cultures, and new customs? Do you consider yourselves taste–lovers? If you answered yes in more than two of the questions, then it is in your favor to visit our site.

Starting with the favorite destinations of site’s creators, our goal is to create a global network of innovative traveling offers that incorporates the active involvement of users themselves. A unique point of view for the people, who dare to try something different. Our site includes five different sections such as Home, About, Join as host, Destinations, Contact. In these you can find everything that you need in order to book the trip of your dreams. Let’s take a closer look to each of them.

The first step is the home page that shows our main logo and also ,photos of places around the globe as well as different experiences that someone might follow.

The homepage of “Live as a local” website (

The second page contains some information about our goal and the reason why this type of travel agency has been created. In the third page, the visitor can become the host. The site provides to the visitors the chance to sign up as hosts. Through this function, you can add places and experiences that you have in mind and share them with the other potential locals in just three clicks away! Visitors have the chance to explore new places and learn about the POI, comment about their experiences and get feedback from those who have already been in. Most important, however, is the encouragement of site visitors to become tour guides in their places of residence. Thus, an affordable guided tour is ensured. At the same time, we encourage the development of interpersonal relationships between them. Of course we have taken care to ensure the credibility of both the Guides and those who feed the site with information. For this reason an advanced control system has been developed by the webmasters.

The fourth part is the most interesting of all, as it includes information about six different places that you can visit and the experiences that you can enjoy there. Starting with the favorite destinations of site’s creators, our goal is to create a global network of innovative traveling offers with the active involvement of all users. We offer info about Athanasios Diakos, Corfu, Ilia, Kyrtoni, Mount Panetoliko and Lake Kremaston, Nea Filadelfeia. Six beautiful and unique places in Greece, each of which can provide visitors with hospitality, warmth and new travel ideas. The viewer of the site can open each destination separately and find out about its options. There is information about the location where each of them is in the sitemap, the accommodation, the gastronomy and local specialties, the sightseeing, the one of a lifetime experience and the culture.

More analytically, Athanasios Diakos offers mountain holiday in one of the most woodland parts of Sterea Ellada. It is a small village full of firs. It has also a historical value, from the origin of the 1821’s hero Athanasio Diakos, from whom it’s named.

Corfu is one of the most famous Greek islands with deep blue seas and a lot of historical value. The old city it is a maze and it has also the largest Balkan square named Spianada.

Ilia, has a place called Neda and it is known for its waterfalls located just a few kilometers before its mouth ,making it a great and secluded place for hiking and diving into the frozen waters.

Kyrtoni is a picturesque mountainous village in Fthiotida. In Kyrtoni, the tourist can find the ancient fountain called “Kamini”, a rock from which it flows sparkling chilled water with healing properties for dysentery.

Mount Panetoliko & Lake Kremaston next to Agrinion, offers attractions like Mussolini’s 13 fountains (in Houni village, 6 km from Aghios Vlassios), that have been building by Italian conquerors during the 2nd WW and Kremasta dam. The imposing volume of the dam with a height of 160 m and 457 length is awesome. At the time of its construction, it was the largest earth-filled hydroelectric project in Europe (1963). Visiting power station is accessible which extends below the base of the dam.

Last but not least, Nea Filadelfeia, offers to the visitor the chance to see the accommodation of refugees from Asia Minor and the stadium of AEK. Finally, the last page is the contact page with us for more about our travel agency.

In order to make this idea come true, we used Wordpress. We started our business site from scratch and we managed to set what it is presented today. We truly tried our best to carry this job out by using all the necessary tools to accomplish our goal. We have to mention here, that Wordpress is a very easy and comfortable way to start a site on your own even if you have no idea how to do it.

All in all, we hope our effort to highlight a modern way of alternative holidays, finds a response to the public and be embraced by all of you.

Finally, we would like to thank our professor/mentor Dr. Stavros Kaperonis for both helping and providing us with all these advices so that we succeed in our goal and managed to finish our semester in a very good way.



Dimitri Makris

Panhellenic Association of the Blinds, Philologist, Depart. of Communication, Mass Media and Culture student at Panteion University