M.AD. IDEAS: Newsletters are the New Trend

We all probably know about Instagram and Facebook marketing, but none was aware of the newsletter as part of Digital Marketing. Let’s take a look at the purpose of this marketing tool.

First and foremost, Newsletters are a guaranteed way for costumers to get informed about new developments in our company. It is crucial to select the best possible content, such as industry news, special promotion offers, new campaigns. Furthermore, they can enrich the bond between the customer and the brand. Companies need to have faithful clients to get a competitive advantage. We can grow, building a community with the appropriate use.

It is vital to learn in-depth about the various techniques. If you want to create a well-presented Newsletter, you will have to figure out the goals and the target group. Have in mind the aesthetic and the tone you have already picked up for the company and use the same guidelines. Try to observe what the other brands are doing. Be careful not to copy them. Find what makes you different and use it advantageously. All in all, be creative and consistent!

We decided to use the same color palette as our company: beige-orange, baby blue, and white. It took us a lot of time to settle for a tone. First, we wanted to look professional, as a big part of the target group would be other brands, mostly potential costumers. After stirring this idea in our head, we realized that it wouldn’t benefit us in building a tribe. It took us some time, but we are so proud of the result. Our tone is professional and at the same time light and humorous. It is friendly enough for people to feel like they are addressed at a personal level. At the same time, it is respectful and pleasant. In the end, we will add the first two Newsletters as an example. Feel free to comment! We will love to hear your opinion.

Last but not least, let’s discuss the content. We have opted to inform about the industry, our clients, and sustainability. We passionately promote sustainable brands. We aim to make people take up the challenge to sustainably change their everyday life.

Have a look at this example!
The first newsletter we would send!

Special thanks to our professor: Betty Tsakarestou

M.AD IDEAS members: Ntorina X, Angie Kouki, Dionysia Marinou and Elpidaarchontaki

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Email: m.ad.ideas05@gmail.com

