“Market Cheat”: Oreo Thins, promotional campaign

It was in the early December when it was announced to us that our final assignment for the ADandPRlab of the Panteion University (Dept. of Communication, Media and culture) was to deliver a supporting promotional campaign for the new product of Oreo, Oreo Thins. We had the honour to welcome the Brand Manager of Oreo, Giota Moschou, who gave us a first sample of the new product along with the plan that we had to follow:

Our brief given by Oreo

After a lot of brainstorming and team-working we decided to expand our promotional strategy in four social media platforms: Youtube, Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram.


Our youtube plan includes a video which will appear as a paid advertisement in popular videos and its goal is to raise awareness of the contest we have created for Oreo’s Facebook page (for details check the “Facebook” section) as well as our new product.

2. Snapchat

We collaborated with an art designer in order to create a new filter for snapchat. Our goal is to create a pleasant atmosphere with snowing oreos and backround music (which will change according to the occasion, i.e. on Christmas there will be Christmas songs) and we aim to target a wider audience. The snapchat filter we have created is the following:

Snapchat filter portraying one of the team members

3. Facebook

We have noticed that Oreo’s main social media platform is Facebook (and in Greece it is the company’s only social media platform), so we believe that we should focus on it. Our Facebook strategy includes the following:

1)We will prepare a post calendar where we will post relevant content according to the occasion (i.e Christmas, summer, a popular movie premiere etc.)

2)We will use paid advertisements and take advantage of the various tools Facebook is offering in order to boost our posts to potential customers

3) Our goal is to create a beautiful and user — friendly environment in order to encourage people to visit and like our Facebook page

4) Organize a well targeted marketing strategy by creating a customer support network where users will address their complaints.

5) Posts that motivate people to visit our website and, eventually, buy our product

6) Finally, as we mentioned before in the YouTube section, our plans include a contest which will take place on Facebook. The users will upload to their Facebook profiles pictures taken spontenously, representing the Oreo Thins, with the hashtag #to_neo_einai_oreo. The best pictures will win the prizes mentioned in the video.

We have created some content to reach and engage with existing and potentional customers. Our goal is to enrich our Facebook page with content that will boost the traffic of oura page. Here are some examples:




Photo portraying the hashtag #to_neo_einai_oreo in Greek

4. Instagram

We believe that Instagram is a great opportunity to address our preferred target group, so we begin by creating an instagram account for Oreo Greece. Except from the traditional posts, we are going to take advantage of the various features Instagram is offering, such as instagram story, which is a feauture that allows photos to be displayed for only 24 hours. In this way, we are going to establish a daily communication with our followers.

Our posts are going to be fun and playful (in order to match our company’s profile) and specialised on our new product, Oreo Thins. Another idea that we had, is to include the photos people are going to send us for the Facebook contest for our Instagram page. We think that this is a very important part of our promotional campaign, because our Instagram feed will contain a genuine content from our customers’ perspective.

Finally, our plans include to find pictures that portray Oreo Thins (either by a tag or by a hashtag that the user may have used) and like them or comment something funny and clever.

With our instagram account we plan to address mostly our women target audience, especially with posts like this:


The moment it was announced to us that we will work on a real life case study, and more specifically for the promotional campaign of the new Oreo Thins, we were honored and a little anxious at the same time, because it is a brand that we love and we wanted to do our best in order to fulfil our goal.

After days of brainstorming and hours of hard work we came up with the above strategic plan. The most important thing is that we actually enjoyed it and had a great time working on this project. We want to thank our teachers for delegating us this assignment and we hope that some of these ideas will be bought into life and will become the core promotional plan of the new Oreo thins!

Team members: 1) Agis Lamprakis, 2) Eirini Zaveli, 3) Iakobos Vlachos, 4) Elpiniki Primou, 5) Basilis Filipakopoulos

Special thanks to Betty Tsakarestou, Diana Birba and Giota Moschou

