Market research

In order to, understand our target group and our potential users, we decided to conduct a research. So, we asked some people, of various ages, questions about Eu Travel app. We divided the market in 4 age groups, the first one from 14–18, the second from 18–30, the third one from 30–50 and the last one 50+. The way we approached the people was through a question «Hello, we have created a travel app and we would like to ask you some questions about it as it would be really helpful for our research»

We had a questionnaire of 8 in total questions related to our app. Generally, the potential users were positive to our start up application. We noticed that the older the age group was the less they were able to use it. Even though the content was satisfying many people claimed that it would be a good idea to add some extra possibilities such as maps, accommodation, public transportation and tickets.

Betty Tsakarestou Catherine Ntika Leta Papalexopoulou Christina Bolanou

