Mattoo and already there!

Mattoo and already there!

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Our PPT Presentations :

Year 3 at Panteion University, departure of Communication, Media and Culture was more promising than anyone expected. Not only, the study direction we select to broaden our horizons but also, the courses which were added made our semester unique and outstanding.

At this Medium article, I will analyze in depth the whole route during the lab of Advertising and Public Relations” Applied Digital Marketing — Mobile Marketing”.

First master the fundamentals

Following this significant rule, the head of the lab Mrs. Tsakarestou Betty and the two main professors Mr. Aris Markos and Mrs. Bakalexi Lina started the courses at the lab with a preview of what we are going to learn this semester, included elementary knowledge at our field. The whole process until the finish of the semester was like an introduction to the marketing and advertising world.

What we learned from the lab

Mr. Aris talked to us about the advertising industry in Greece, the kind of advertising and agencies. Moreover, he shared with the class the fundamentals of advertising and analyzed the impact, function and the effects it cause on everyone. We learned the most usual types of advertising and the process we need to follow in order to create a successful advertising campaign. Last but not least, with the provocation of creating our own innovation project brand, we learned how to get ideas and the steps we have to follow to create an integrated advertising presentation.

Mrs. Bakalexi talked about the importance of communication on our field and share useful tips about social media. Also, she advised us to “watch” social media trends and analyzed the political advertising field and her own working experience.

Our first challenge

Beside, the learning section the lab was following an interactive process where students had to apply their knowledge and act like interns in various agencies. That’ why, our first challenge was to figure out an idea for a new brand which must have online presence. A new brand that will offer exciting business opportunity, using the tolls and the principles from our lectures. All the teams created a solid marketing strategy for their brands and presented their ideas in front of a potential investor, Mrs. Myrto Papathanou, member of Metavallon Capital, trying to persuade her that there is an opportunity for the development of their brand in the market.

Brainstorming process

After spending plenty of time on brainstorming and discussion between our members, we ended up that we wanted to create something which will facilitate people and answers to current human issues. Thereon, we decided to focus on means of transports and how important are to people, especially nowadays, when everyone wants to save time from the traffic.

Let us introduce you Mattoo

The answer to the question “how are you going to facilitate people from their daily transports”, is Matoo. And what is Mattoo? Mattoo is a new taxi service application, using motorcycles. Mattoo is offering quick, affordable and safe way of transportation using 150 cc motorcycles. Also, it has an option for the costumers of light packet transportation delivery service. For example, you might be at work and you forgot your gym bag, now with mattoo you just have to open your open find one from the application and in a few minutes your bag will be arrived.

Mattoo is following strictly the safety rules and all our drivers and costumers will be wearing helmets and jackets and all the special motorcycle equipment will be given. Through activated location services, driver and costumer can spot each other. Choose your destination and the nearest driver (based on the feedbacks given by users)

Mattoo will charge costumers for 0, 50 per km and will have a 2,10 minimum charge trip. Our advantage between our competitors is that there will be no extra charge for midnight trips and the cancellation ability will be without a penalty.

Mattoo before Mattoo

My team and I were more than excited after having decided the brand that will launch. On the other hand thought, we had doubts if our vision is clear and if potential customers will be interested for the Mattoo application. The only way to solve our doubts and move on our project was to catch up with people, hear and ask them. We started with secondary research, finding our indirect competitors and analyzed what they offer in comparison with us. We came to the conclusion that our competitors taxi, uber taxi were mentioned as trustful means of transportation but something was missing. We continued our research with qualitative and quantitative primary research. We created focus groups of people of various ages and asked them about our idea and then we share in social media a Q&A asking relevant questions about our idea. After having followed this route that were taught at the marketing lab, we came to the result that there is enough space for a new transportation app in the market and we moved on.

Additional actions

Apart from the research, product launch and price investigation we did, there were missing some parts like we learned at the lab in order to have an integrated idea. We continued by analyzing the place of our product, the route to market, which is from the application to the user. The target group of Mattoo was also very important for our presentation, because we had to build personas that match perfectly to our potential customers and present them in a appealing way. We used, plenty of images and few words to describe our personas, young and cool urbanists between 18–30.

One of the most demanding parts of our task was the swot analysis we had to create for our brand. In that part, every member of the team created its own and after peer to peer conversation we ended up to the most important strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for Mattoo.

Time is money

There is no doubt, that without a good positioning, no brand can be competitive in the market these days. What is our positioning so? We know that time is money, especially nowadays where there is a lot of stress out there. What we do to help you overcome this affair? We save time and money for you, just by calling a mattoo you will arrive at your destination safe and fast. Low cast and quick transportation are the key words for our positioning.

Furthermore, we believe that it is time to break the stereotypes that motorcycles are dangerous, but if you are afraid of using mattoo, no hard feelings from us since there are plenty of taxi drivers in the market waiting for you.


Main value is to save time from people’s stressful daily routine. We imagine a brand with values such as safety and kindness and with a helpful, innovative, approachable, energetic personality. To achieve this we even imagined our brand like if it was a person.


Our TV Ad begins with scenes from the chaotic & busy streets of Athens center. Insults, screams and stressful sounds are ON. ‘’Suddenly, a badass, young, good looking guy starts walking down the street like nothing actually happens. As the crowd bumps into him he punches and punches them away like it’s no big deal. A classic rock song (imagine something like Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix or Rock Candy by Montrose) is playing in the background as he walks slowly and steady like he runs the world full of certainty and grace.’’ ‘’Why does he look so cool?’’’’Because MATTOO is there…’’ ‘’…and he is already there.’’

Betty Tsakarestou Markos Aris Lina Bakalexi

Στέλιος Καλαιτζακης Ηρω Πασχαλιδη Pennytsioulou Filio Arida Ελένη Καρογιάννη

