
ADandpRLAB | Digital Creativity Lab(Games,Apps and Coding) / of Panteion University .

  • Post #1 Idea Concept Of Mummy’s App.

Teachers: Betty Tsakarestou , Dr. Stavros Kaperonis

Mummy’s App.

Within our Digital Creativity Lab:Games, App and Coding. we were asked to create an application that would not exist, would be pioneering, and would serve a purpose. It was then when. we decided to deal with pregnancy and specifically with new moms. we all know that fast-paced lifestyles are more commonplace for both women and men, and mononuclear families are a common phenomenon. A woman must be. a good mother and a good worker.She has to do many chores and work when home and many times she finds herself complaining about the free-less time she has.So when she finally gets pregnant, she must know everything in very specific details in order to gain as much free time but also have a successful pregnancy and a good postpartum period.A common mind would easily say that in the internet a woman can easily find all the help she needs.However when we searched through the web in order not only to gain skills and knowledge but also to search for similar applications, there was no such thing especially when it comes to Greece.

Action had to be taken as fast as possible. We asked new mothers in our households and in the streets about what they thought of the application.They all agreed that if they knew there was such an easy app they would use it earlier and also always in order to be better mothers. Some of them said that the price of the baby products like cribs, was a common problem because, due to economical crisis, the prices are really high and they find it difficulty in buying them even though they are necessary.

. So our application came as a natural result of this need. It will help new mothers learn various areas of the first weeks such as breastfeeding, baby dressing, everyday hygiene, and their habits as well as possible illnesses.But the inovassion our application is about to offer is something many women never knew they wanted but it was always as a need in a bottom of their minds: Good affordable and used baby products such as children cribs and trolleys.

. Women who have never been mothers and are in an economical disadvantage can now easily sign in our application and buy such products who will have good quality.On the other hand, women who have been mothers for quite a while and only had one child can now offer it and get some money or none (depends on what they want) by giving them to our application.This will be light-hearted for women who find it difficult to buy expensive baby-care products and will also create a community where women can share their personal experiences.

This type of application can be proved to be really helpfull in times like ours where not only the money are less but also many information can sometimes be misleading. Women must know how to be mothers and not just guess how to be.There are quite a lot of examples of bad behavior of mothers and many of them had their core in the lack of parental skills.

In conclusion , our application doesn’t adress the target group of our age but tries to reach new mothers and help them with their life as parents.People of the future come from people of the past, and new mothers are the most important factor for that.




•Finished music high school of Pallini • Finished my studying at Panteion University / public relations and marketing / Currently working at Initiative GR