Museum Odyssey: Website Project

This is a post regarding the website project developped in the the course of Digital Creativity I: Apps, Games and Coding of the Ad&PR Lab at Panteion University. The subject of the assignment was to create a website from the start, by creating a sub domain on the and launch a WordPress into a live site.

After a lot of brainstorming, our team (consisted of Eirini Zaveli, Filitsa Makris/Moutousis and Agis Lamprakis) decided to create a site with cultural orientation but not in an ordinary way. We wanted to create a site which will include museums but there were many similar sites. So we decided to differentiate, and Museum Odyssey was born. Museum Odyssey is a site which navigates you through the weirdest museums around the world!

1. Name

We concluded to the name Museum Odyssey because we think that is sums up the idea perfectly. The word “museum” refers to the main topic of the site, while “Odyssey” is used in order to indicate a journey through the world’s weirdest museums, including things that may seem bizzare and outlandish, exactly like Odysseus’ journey after the fall of Troy.

2. Design

After a lot of research we have carefully selected our site’s design in order to offer the best user-friendly interference and maximize the visitors’ staying in the site.

After taking these into consideration, we chose to use a red colour for the site’s title because it is an energizing color. It excites the emotions and reinforces the attention. Our goal is to create a ‘brand’ (in this case the site’s name, Museum Odyssey) which will be easy to spot and remember.

In addition, the home page offers a clear title, it gives the user the information needed (via the tagline- The world’s weirdest museums) and most importantly it provides the user with the most important information: what can he find at the site and why is he visiting it.

Moreover, below the title and the tagline the user can navigate through the four sections: About, Continents, Quiz and Contact.


Basic information regarding the site and its purpose


Categories in which the museums are divided into — the continent where they belong.


We have created a quiz with questions and answers which include all of the museums. The user can answer the questions, and he is automatically redirected into the article about the museum which interests him.


The contact section provides information about the creators of the site and users can communicate with us via our Medium accounts.

3. Article Format

Each article includes a featured image of the museum, a quote, and a standard format which will be analyzed below.

Feautured image (cover photo), title and quote

Every article icludes six (6) basic elements-sections: Brief History, Exhibits, Where, When, Album and Sources.

Brief History

It contains information about when the museum was founded, by who and why. In Brief History users can also find general information about the museum.


In this section users can have a little taste about the museum exhibits. We analyze a little more each museum’s attractions and make it more specific about the museum.


A map, or directions to where the museum is located.


Here the user can see the exact days and hours when the museum is open to public.


We collect and offer the users some typical photos of the museum and its exhibit, that we think represent them perfectly.


We haven’t visited most of the museums, and as a result our main source is the Internet. Therefore, we think that it is fair to give the credits to the website that helped us deliver our purpose.

4. Conclusion

In the future we hope to broaden our website and enrich it with more content and features. We could use some reviews of users that have visited the museum where they will suggest to other users what to visit and what to avoid. Our goal is to deliver a user-friendly and easy-to-use website whose content differentiates it from other similar websites and makes it special.

Special thanks to Mrs. Betty Tsakarestou and Dr. Stavros Kaperonis for assigning us this project.

Team members: Agis Lamprakis, Eirini Zaveli, Filitsa Makris/Moutousis


Panteion University,
Department of Communication, Media and Culture


