My Ad Discovery Workshop Story- The st_ARTers

Hello everyone and welcome to the introduction of our project!

This article is going to inform you about the experience that my colleagues and I had from the Ad Discovery Workshop by our professor Miss Betty Tsakarestou (, who is Assistant Professor in Panteion University, Department of Communication, Media & Culture in Greece. During this semester, our goal about this workshop was to create an innovative start-up company. So my co-workers Semina, Eirini, Martha and I create The stARTers company.

From the first day, Ms Tsakarestou informed us about our mission, the creation of a start-up project in cooperation with our colleagues as teams. So, we introduced ourselves to everyone and created teams based on our interests and goals for the after-university life. So, I created my team with Semina, Eirini and Martha, girls that already were my friends.

In our first meeting, after a lot of brainstorming, I came up with the idea of a project about the street art and artists. The rest of my team approved my idea and they helped me develop it even further. After a while we found and our name too, so the company The stARTers was alive.

As soon as possible, we started our company by finding our first street singer, as we decided that we will focus only on street musicians. So, we found Nikos, a day we went for a walk in Monastiraki Square. Semina ( worked on his video and she made a beautiful presentation and an interview about him and his work.

Afterwards, Eirini ( worked on the powerpoint of our company in order to present our idea in the rest of the teams. She also designed our logo. Martha ( designed our experience map. She followed openIdeos’ stractures in order to inform the musicians about our work and how we do it. I worked on the social media and created a facebook account ( and a twitter account ( and we all together made a site ( in order to be more easy for the people to find us.

So, we made our final presentation! It was a great workshop and we met a lot of people,we learned new things and finally gained experience that will be useful later. Last but not least, I would like to thank my team Semina, Eirini and Martha for their help and support. Our collaboration was excellent and I can’t wait for new projects. Until then, go for a walk and listen to the street musicians. They will fascinate you!

